PHP Classes

metaForm: Generate and validate forms from XML definitions

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metaform 1.0.0GNU Lesser Genera...HTML, Databases


This package can generate and validate forms composed with fields defined in XML files.

The generated forms can use a Javascript remoting scripting library to invoke remote PHP scripts without submiting the forms.

The package consists of:

- PHP class xmlForm, based on the original written by Herman Veluwenkamp to generate HTML forms from XML configuration file.
- PHP class dbUndo (in the class.undo.php file) designed to manage MySQL database record updates and undo operations, which comes together with a PhpUnit test suite class
- A XSL form definition file, covering all the generic needs of the supplied form samples, including the following form input formats: text, textarea, checkbox, radio button, remote script invocation button, file, hidden, single and multiple selections (with selection lists that can be kept in separate files)
- A number of Javascript and PHP functions that use Brent Ashley's jsrs (javascript remote scripting library), including his own jsrs package

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Name: yo keller <contact>
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All time rank: 262571 in France France
Week rank: 214 Up9 in France France Up

  Files folder image Files (23)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageexprForm (6 files)
Files folder imagejsrs-adr-php (11 files)
Plain text file class.undo.php Class php dbUndo class
Accessible without login Plain text file formDef.xsl Data xsl style sheet for numerous form sub-fields defined as xml configurations
Accessible without login Plain text file jsrsClient.js Data Brent Ashley jsrs client library
Accessible without login Plain text file Aux. corresponding jsrs php server library
Accessible without login Plain text file undoTestCases.php Test PhpUnit test suite for dbUndo class
Plain text file xmlForm.php Class php xmlForm class

  Files folder image Files (23)  /  exprForm  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file expr_Conf.xml Data form xml configuration file
  Accessible without login Plain text file expr_Conf.xsl Data form xsl configuration file
  Accessible without login Plain text file formValidated.js Data js script library
  Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example form generator invocation script
  Accessible without login Plain text file operations.txt Data a list of operations used as selection list
  Accessible without login Plain text file search-form.css Data form css file

  Files folder image Files (23)  /  jsrs-adr-php  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file adr-form-process.php Aux. php server scripts for the jsrs database interface
  Accessible without login Plain text file adr-form.xml Data form xml configuration file
  Accessible without login Plain text file adressedb.sql Data sql script for the jsrs demo database
  Accessible without login Plain text file adrForm.js Data js script library
  Accessible without login Plain text file Conf. demo database configuration file
  Accessible without login Plain text file formValidated.js Data js script library
  Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example form generator invocation script
  Accessible without login Plain text file jsrs-adr_Conf.xsl Data form xsl configuration file
  Accessible without login Plain text file lieux.txt Data a list of location types used as selection list
  Accessible without login Plain text file pays.txt Data a country list used as selection list
  Accessible without login Plain text file search-form.css Data form css file

The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:4,217
This week:488Up