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File: jsrsClient.js

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File: jsrsClient.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Brent Ashley jsrs client library
Class: metaForm
Generate and validate forms from XML definitions
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Date: 19 years ago
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// // jsrsClient.js - javascript remote scripting client include // // Author: Brent Ashley [] // // make asynchronous remote calls to server without client page refresh // // see license.txt for copyright and license information /* see history.txt for full history 2.0 26 Jul 2001 - added POST capability for IE/MOZ 2.2 10 Aug 2003 - added Opera support 2.3(beta) 10 Oct 2003 - added Konqueror support - **needs more testing** */ var jsrsTrace = false; //true; // sets vs. resets a trace // callback pool needs global scope var jsrsContextPoolSize = 0; var jsrsContextMaxPool = 10; var jsrsContextPool = new Array(); var jsrsBrowser = jsrsBrowserSniff(); var jsrsPOST = true; var containerName; // constructor for context object function jsrsContextObj( contextID ){ // properties = contextID; this.busy = true; this.callback = null; this.container = contextCreateContainer( contextID ); // methods this.GET = contextGET; this.POST = contextPOST; this.getPayload = contextGetPayload; this.setVisibility = contextSetVisibility; } // method functions are not privately scoped // because Netscape's debugger chokes on private functions function contextCreateContainer( containerName ){ // creates hidden container to receive server data var container; if (jsrsTrace) alert ('contextCreateContainer:'+containerName+'--'+jsrsBrowser); switch( jsrsBrowser ) { case 'NS': container = new Layer(100); = containerName; container.visibility = 'hidden'; container.clip.width = 100; container.clip.height = 100; break; case 'IE': document.body.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterBegin", '<span id="SPAN' + containerName + '"></span>' ); var span = document.all( "SPAN" + containerName ); var html = '<iframe name="' + containerName + '" src=""></iframe>'; span.innerHTML = html; = 'none'; container = window.frames[ containerName ]; break; case 'MOZ': var span = document.createElement('SPAN'); = "SPAN" + containerName; document.body.appendChild( span ); var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME'); = containerName; = containerName; span.appendChild( iframe ); container = iframe; break; case 'OPR': var span = document.createElement('SPAN'); = "SPAN" + containerName; document.body.appendChild( span ); var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME'); = containerName; = containerName; span.appendChild( iframe ); container = iframe; break; case 'KONQ': var span = document.createElement('SPAN'); = "SPAN" + containerName; document.body.appendChild( span ); var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME'); = containerName; = containerName; span.appendChild( iframe ); container = iframe; // Needs to be hidden for Konqueror, otherwise it'll appear on the page = none; = none; = hidden; iframe.height = 0; iframe.width = 0; break; } return container; } function contextPOST( rsPage, func, parms ){ var d = new Date(); var sTrace = ''; var unique = d.getTime() + '' + Math.floor(1000 * Math.random()); if (jsrsTrace) alert ('contextPOST:'+rsPage+'?U='+unique+'--'+jsrsBrowser+'--''--'+func); var doc = (jsrsBrowser == "IE" ) ? this.container.document : this.container.contentDocument;; doc.write('<html><body>'); doc.write('<form name="jsrsForm" method="post" target="" '); doc.write(' action="' + rsPage + '?U=' + unique + '">'); doc.write('<input type="hidden" name="C" value="' + + '">'); // func and parms are optional if (func != null){ doc.write('<input type="hidden" name="F" value="' + func + '">'); if (parms != null){ if (typeof(parms) == "string"){ // single parameter doc.write( '<input type="hidden" name="P[0]" ' + 'value="[' + jsrsEscapeQQ(parms) + ']">'); if (jsrsTrace) sTrace = sTrace+'P[0] = '+jsrsEscapeQQ(parms); } else { // assume parms is array of strings for( var i=0; i < parms.length; i++ ){ doc.write( '<input type="hidden" name="P[' + i + ']" ' + 'value="[' + jsrsEscapeQQ(parms[i]) + ']">'); if (jsrsTrace) sTrace = sTrace+'P[' + i + '] = '+jsrsEscapeQQ(parms[i])+'**'; } } // parm type } // parms } // func doc.write('</form></body></html>'); doc.close(); if (jsrsTrace) alert ('contextPOST:submit func + params '+func+' '+sTrace); doc.forms['jsrsForm'].submit(); } function contextGET( rsPage, func, parms ){ // build URL to call var URL = rsPage; // always send context URL += "?C=" +; // func and parms are optional if (func != null){ URL += "&F=" + escape(func); if (parms != null){ if (typeof(parms) == "string"){ // single parameter URL += "&P[0]=[" + escape(parms+'') + "]"; } else { // assume parms is array of strings for( var i=0; i < parms.length; i++ ){ URL += "&P[" + i + "]=[" + escape(parms[i]+'') + "]"; } } // parm type } // parms } // func // unique string to defeat cache var d = new Date(); URL += "&U=" + d.getTime(); // make the call switch( jsrsBrowser ) { case 'NS': this.container.src = URL; break; case 'IE': this.container.document.location.replace(URL); break; case 'MOZ': this.container.src = ''; this.container.src = URL; break; case 'OPR': this.container.src = ''; this.container.src = URL; break; case 'KONQ': this.container.src = ''; this.container.src = URL; break; } } function contextGetPayload(){ switch( jsrsBrowser ) { case 'NS': return this.container.document.forms['jsrs_Form'].elements['jsrs_Payload'].value; case 'IE': return this.container.document.forms['jsrs_Form']['jsrs_Payload'].value; case 'MOZ': return window.frames[].document.forms['jsrs_Form']['jsrs_Payload'].value; case 'OPR': var textElement = window.frames[].document.getElementById("jsrs_Payload"); case 'KONQ': var textElement = window.frames[].document.getElementById("jsrs_Payload"); return textElement.value; } } function contextSetVisibility( vis ){ switch( jsrsBrowser ) { case 'NS': this.container.visibility = (vis)? 'show' : 'hidden'; break; case 'IE': document.all("SPAN" + ).style.display = (vis)? '' : 'none'; break; case 'MOZ': document.getElementById("SPAN" + = (vis)? '' : 'hidden'; case 'OPR': document.getElementById("SPAN" + = (vis)? '' : 'hidden'; this.container.width = (vis)? 250 : 0; this.container.height = (vis)? 100 : 0; break; } } // end of context constructor function jsrsGetContextID(){ var contextObj; for (var i = 1; i <= jsrsContextPoolSize; i++){ contextObj = jsrsContextPool[ 'jsrs' + i ]; if ( !contextObj.busy ){ contextObj.busy = true; return; } } // if we got here, there are no existing free contexts if ( jsrsContextPoolSize <= jsrsContextMaxPool ){ // create new context var contextID = "jsrs" + (jsrsContextPoolSize + 1); jsrsContextPool[ contextID ] = new jsrsContextObj( contextID ); jsrsContextPoolSize++; return contextID; } else { alert( "jsrs Error: context pool full" ); return null; } } function jsrsExecute( rspage, callback, func, parms, visibility ){ // call a server routine from client code // // rspage - href to asp file // callback - function to call on return // or null if no return needed // (passes returned string to callback) // func - sub or function name to call // parm - string parameter to function // or array of string parameters if more than one // visibility - optional boolean to make container visible for debugging // get context if (jsrsTrace){ alert ('jsrsExecute: '+rspage+'--''--'+func); w =,'jsrsTrace'); } var contextObj = jsrsContextPool[ jsrsGetContextID() ]; contextObj.callback = callback; var vis = (visibility == null)? false : visibility; contextObj.setVisibility( vis ); if ( jsrsPOST && ((jsrsBrowser == 'IE') || (jsrsBrowser == 'MOZ'))){ contextObj.POST( rspage, func, parms ); } else { contextObj.GET( rspage, func, parms ); } return; } function jsrsLoaded( contextID ){ // get context object and invoke callback var contextObj = jsrsContextPool[ contextID ]; if( contextObj.callback != null){ if (jsrsTrace){ var s_echo = 'jsrsLoaded '+contextID+': callback! ' ;//+jsrsUnescape(contextObj.getPayload()); alert(s_echo); } contextObj.callback( jsrsUnescape( contextObj.getPayload() ), contextID ); } // clean up and return context to pool contextObj.callback = null; contextObj.busy = false; } function jsrsError( contextID, str ){ alert( unescape(str) ); jsrsContextPool[ contextID ].busy = false } function jsrsEscapeQQ( thing ){ return thing.replace(/'"'/g, '\\"'); } function jsrsUnescape( str ){ // payload has slashes escaped with whacks return str.replace( /\\\//g, "/" ); } function jsrsBrowserSniff(){ if (document.layers) return "NS"; if (document.all) { // But is it really IE? // convert all characters to lowercase to simplify testing var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_opera = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1); var is_konq = (agt.indexOf("konqueror") != -1); if(is_opera) { return "OPR"; } else { if(is_konq) { return "KONQ"; } else { // Really is IE return "IE"; } } } if (document.getElementById) return "MOZ"; return "OTHER"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // // user functions function jsrsArrayFromString( s, delim ){ // rebuild an array returned from server as string // optional delimiter defaults to ~ var d = (delim == null)? '~' : delim; return s.split(d); } function jsrsDebugInfo(){ // use for debugging by attaching to f1 (works with IE) // with onHelp = "return jsrsDebugInfo();" in the body tag var doc =;; doc.write( 'Pool Size: ' + jsrsContextPoolSize + '<br><font face="arial" size="2"><b>' ); for( var i in jsrsContextPool ){ var contextObj = jsrsContextPool[i]; doc.write( '<hr>' + + ' : ' + (contextObj.busy ? 'busy' : 'available') + '<br>'); doc.write( contextObj.container.document.location.pathname + '<br>'); doc.write( + '<br>'); doc.write( '<table border="1"><tr><td>' + contextObj.container.document.body.innerHTML + '</td></tr></table>' ); } doc.write('</table>'); doc.close(); return false; }