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Class Author Days
Multiple URL Asynchronous Call PHP
Run many tasks in parallel sending HTTP requests
By India 0
Multiple URL Asynchronous Call PHP

Run many tasks in parallel sending HTTP requests
By India 0
Change IP
Change the IP address in configuration files
By Brazil 1
Change IP

Change the IP address in configuration files
By Brazil 1
Open Swoole Microservices
Implement microservices using Open Swoole
By India 2
PHP Microservices Framework
Setup microservices apps with configuration arrays
By India 2
Heavy Objects
Store and retrieve objects or arrays in files
By India 3
ShieldWall Firewall
Manage a list of IP addresses to block or unblock
By Tunisia 3
ShieldWall Firewall

Manage a list of IP addresses to block or unblock
By Tunisia 3
Card Validator PHP
Validate different types of credit card numbers
By Brazil 4
Card Validator PHP

Validate different types of credit card numbers
By Brazil 4
Cool Kids Network For WP Plugin
WordPress plugin to manage users with roles
By Nigeria 6
Northwest Corner Method
Initial solution for the transportation problem
By Venezuela 6
Ypsilon Picker PHP CLI

Pick a color of any point on a screen
By Germany 6
Cool Kids Network For WP Plugin

WordPress plugin to manage users with roles
By Nigeria 6
Load and parse JSON files progressively
By Brazil 7
Json File Handler
Read and write data to filesc
By Brazil 8
Jaxon Config
Save configuration values in immutable objects
By Cameroon 8
Jaxon Config

Save configuration values in immutable objects
By Cameroon 8
Clean Blog OOP PHP PDO
Publish pages of a blog system
By Serbia 9
Clean Blog OOP PHP PDO

Publish pages of a blog system
By Serbia 9
PHP POO Exemplo
CRUD example using PHP classes
By Brazil 10
PHP POO Exemplo

CRUD example using PHP classes
By Brazil 10
Session Handlers Collection
Store PHP sessions in different types of storage
By India 11
Northwest Corner Method

Initial solution for the transportation problem
By Venezuela 11
Encrypt and decrypt data using hybrid public keys
By United States 13

Encrypt and decrypt data using hybrid public keys
By United States 13
WP Crowd Fund
Promote crowd-funding campaigns on WordPress sites
By Canada 14
WP Crowd Fund

Promote crowd-funding campaigns on WordPress sites
By Canada 14
PHP Math Expression Evaluator
Parse and evaluate strings with math expressions
By Russian Federation 16
PHP Threading
Run parallel tasks that share PHP variables
By Canada 16
PHP Backwards Compatibility Library
Functions of newer PHP versions for older versions
By Greece 16
PHP 8 Backwards Compatibility Library
Functions of PHP 8 that work in older PHP versions
By Greece 16
PHP Threading

Run parallel tasks that share PHP variables
By Canada 16
Perform several types of economic calculations
By Greece 17
Ascoos Framework
Framework of general purposes classes
By Greece 17
Crypto Helper

Encrypt and decrypt data using OpenSSL
By Brazil 17
AFW Examples
Examples and tests of usage of Ascoos Framework
By Greece 18
Laravel Correlation
Generate a correlation identifier
By Egypt 18
Reactive Asynchronous Rate Limiter PHP
Limit the handling of requests to a given rate
By India 18
Reactive Asynchronous Rate Limiter PHP

Limit the handling of requests to a given rate
By India 18
AI Threat Hunter

Analyze Web server logs to detect security threats
By Tunisia 19
Laravel Correlation

Generate a correlation identifier
By Egypt 21
PHP CRUD Library Trait
Manipulate database table records using a trait
By Sudan 22
Multiple File Upload Processing

Validate and store files uploaded via Web forms
By Serbia 23
Heavy Objects

Store and retrieve objects or arrays in files
By India 23
Class AI Chat Bot

Generate a text from a prompt using OpenAI API
By Tunisia 25
Wordle CLI

Run the Wordle game on the command line console
By Chile 25
Modelo LLM PHP
Large language model to implement a chat bot
By Brazil 27

Validate function parameters with PHP attributes
By Chile 27
SEO Analyzer

Analyze Web page and generate a reports about tags
By Tunisia 27
Transfer Object
Generate transfer objects using property hooks
By Germany 29
LaTeXP Decoder

Convert LaTeX documents to HTML pages
By 29

Show the value of a variable in colored way
By Chile 30
Lara Filament
Blog post management and publication system
By Bangladesh 31