Author: Manuel Lemos
Viewers: 183
Last month viewers: 2
Categories: Lately in PHP Podcast
That was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 66 of the Lately in PHP podcast hangout.
They also commented about the final release of PHP 7.0, the results of the PHP 7 adoption survey, as well proposals for PHP 7.1 like the friend/package modifier, compiling PHP into opcode binary files, the immutable modifier, native annotations, using multiple CPU cores to accelerate PHP, and the PHP HashDOS security protection.
Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video to learn more about these interesting PHP topics.
Introduction (0:20)
PHP 5.6.15, PHP 5.6.16 released (1:27)
PHP 7.0.0 Released Finally (2:29)
PHP 7.0.0 Adoption Survey Results and the Future of PHP 7 (3:48)
Is Wordpress Switching PHP for JavaScript? (16:03)
Proposal: PHP Friend, Package Visibility Classes, Internal Methods (21:43)
Proposal: Compiling PHP into OpCode Binary Files (24:35)
Proposal: Immutable Modifier (33:06)
Proposal: Native Annotations Once Again (35:06)
Proof of Concept : 3.5x and more Performance Boost for php7 using 4 cores (46:00)
Proposal: PHP HashDOS Protection (51:58)
Latest Tutorial Articles and Reviews (55:55)
JavaScript Innovation Award Winners of September 2015 (57:51)
JavaScript Innovation Award Rankings of 2015 (1:01:45)
PHP Innovation Award Winners of September 2015 (1:04:24)
PHP Innovation Award Rankings of 2015 (1:09:37)
Conclusion (1:15:50)
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Watch the podcast video, subscribe to the podcast YouTube channel
Podcast transcript
Introduction music Harbour used with explicit permission from the author Danilo Ercole, from Curitiba, Brazil
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Watch the podcast video
Note that the timestamps below in the transcript may not match the same positions in the video because they were based on the audio timestamps and the audio was compacted to truncate silence periods.
See the Lately in PHP podcast play list on YouTube and Subscribe to this channel there.
Show notes
- Proposal: PHP Friend, Package Visibility Classes, Internal Methods
- Proposal: Compiling PHP into OpCode Binary Files
- Proposal: Immutable Modifier
- Proposal: Native Annotations Once Again
- Proof of Concept : 3.5x and more Performance Boost for php7 using 4 cores
- Proposal: PHP HashDOS Protection
- Suhosin Extension for PHP 7
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2. Miss the text version - dewa (2016-01-01 03:23)
The need to read... - 0 replies
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1. Missing text - Gregory (2015-12-14 18:16)
Missing text... - 1 reply
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