Author: Manuel Lemos
Updated on: 2025-02-22
Viewers: 330
Last month viewers: 1
Categories: Lately in PHP Podcast, Software Business
The good news is that investment is often not necessary until you have already of a business generating revenue. Until then you can work on your software product without having to invest from your own pocket.
Watch this video to learn what is the role of the investors, the different types of investors that exist, and what type of investment you need to seek depending on the phase of your project.

How to Get Investors for Your Software Product Business: Part 1
Free Workshop of Software Product Business Creation
Watch the second part of the video on How to Get Investors for Your Software Product Business
Watch the Video on How to Get Investors for Your Software Product Business
How to Get Investors for Your Software Product Business: Part 1
There are 3 things that you can get from investors: money, knowledge and contacts. In the beginning of a software project you may need any of these things or not. It depends on if you really need them to move on.
There are different types of investors. Each type of investor may be recommended to different stages of your software product business project.
The video below is split in two parts. It presents an overview of the different types of investors, as well, in the second part, when you should resort to each of them depending on the phase of your project, and how you can reach them.
Free Workshop of Software Product Business Creation
For the last 15 years I have been working full time in the PHP Classes site as my full time business. Many of the things I know I learned by doing it.
I made lots of mistakes, but I also got many things right to the point of gathering a large PHP community. Over the last 17 years of existence it reached 1.4 million registered users. It keeps growing at the pace of about 5.000 new registered users every month.
So I would like to share what I learned, so you do not have to spend 15 years in error and trial like I did to learn about software product business.
My goal is to build a community of successful developers that not only create nice software that they like, but also are independent and have autonomy to work on what you want. As a community we can help each other and be more successful then when we work alone.
So, to get you started, soon there will be a free workshop online in video that you can watch and learn these methods and everything else you need to know to create your own software product business the right way with low risk of failure.
To be notified of when this workshop will start, go to the video page, and below the video click on the link to signup quickly with your Facebook account or signup with your email address. As a bonus you will also get access to a new video on which I teach you how to make highly desired software products.
Watch the second part of the video on How to Get Investors for Your Software Product Business
The next video will about how you can get investors for your software product business.
It tells you about how can investors help in your business, what types of investors exists, which type you should seek or not, depending on the phase of your business, and how you can reach them.
At the time of this writing, this video is still being edited. In the page of the video on "How to Choose the Best Market to Sell Your Software Product" there is a link to signup with your Facebook account or signup with your email address, so you can be notified when the new video is ready.
Watch the Video on How to Get Investors for Your Software Product Business
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