PHP Classes

Extract files from zip file: I need to extract the files contained within a bespoke zip file

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Extract files from zip file


Picture of Darren Hiles by Darren Hiles - 1 year ago (2014-11-18)

I need to extract the files contained within a bespoke zip file

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This request is not clear or is not relevant.


I would like to unzip files from a zip file with a bespoke file system inside. The files inside may be in a directory structure but not always. I need to files to be pulled out and saved to the server according to the structure in the file.

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1 Recommendation

dUnzip2: Pack and unpack files packed in ZIP archives

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 12020 - 1 year ago (2014-11-26) Comment

There are several oldie but goody classes that can extract files from a ZIP archive using pure PHP in case you cannot use the Zip Archive extension for some reason.

This one has nice examples and documentation.

Recommend package