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MySQL access class: MySQL database access wrapper

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mysql_access_class 1.0GNU General Publi...4Databases


This class implements MySQL database access wrapper. It can:

- Connect to a given MySQL database server host
- Execute SQL queries
- Retrieve query results into arrays
- Execute queries that return the number of rows that a given SQL query would return
- List the database tables

Picture of Bimal Poudel
Name: Bimal Poudel <contact>
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Country: Canada Canada
Age: 42
All time rank: 169937 in Canada Canada
Week rank: 256 Up6 in Canada Canada Up
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11:25 AM 1/24/2009 Call for proposals: If you need expert level database and website programming, please write to or leave me a comment at In an offshore community, I and my team cal deliver you the highest quality productions. Thanks. MySQL database access class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This class is used to access the mysql database using php. Because, it has been used for a longer period of time over many websites, I think, it to become a matured php class. This made me a reason to allow my work available to be in a public domain. You can contact me for a support. I will try to answer on serious case reagarding this class. Thanks for using this class. Step1 1: Modify file for your suitable connections to multiple databases. Step 2: Read out how the datbase class is being used, in index.php. Step 3: Use sample database enries in class_database.dmp file. Step 4: Modify and use resotre.bat file before you continue. Step 5: Congrats. I have been using this class since 2006, and have been producing much robust websites. This class is tested over many platforms, and used to produce hiqh quality websites within a limited time frame. If you are using this for your own purpose, please let me know your feelings. You may not modify this class because: * It is already tested, * It has a lot of revisions and maturity. * There is no real need to modifiy this. However, if you do modify, please let me know. You may use this class file to keep it in a commercial production. But, please write about my website and name in some visible pages, like, about us, and the used classes. Thank you for re-engineering websites. See some sample websites, There are many other websites that use this class. Ask me for personal details and experience with these websites.

  Files folder image Files (11)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file backup.bat Data backup samle database
Plain text file Class Main database access class for mysql
Accessible without login Plain text file class_database.dmp Data basic database dump
Accessible without login Plain text file Aux. basic application configurations
Accessible without login Plain text file Conf. mysql connection setup to multple servers for easy portability
Accessible without login Plain text file create.sql Data How I created the sample database - example only
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example Basic example file
Accessible without login Plain text file license.txt Lic. What you should and should not do.
Accessible without login Plain text file out.txt Data sample iteration in the database result set
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Introduction file
Accessible without login Plain text file restore.bat Data Create database - script

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