PHP Classes

Hippo Chinese Cert Code: Generate CAPTCHA validation images in Chinese

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Version License Categories
chinese_cert_code 1.0GNU General Publi...Graphics, Validation


This package is specific mainly for applications used in China China .

This class can be used to generate CAPTCHA validation images using Chinese words.

The class picks random words from a file with a list of Chinese words represented in the big5 encoding.

The picked word is stored in a session variable so it can be compared with what the user entered in a form later.

The words are rendered in an image using an appropriate True-Type font. The words may be rendered over a given background image.

The generated image is served in the PNG format as part of the current script output.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2006
Number 7

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
CAPTCHA is an acronym for a group of techniques that are used for preventing the access of automated programs to protected Web site pages that are meant only for real human users.

The most common form of CAPTCHA validation employs the use of fuzzy images with a few text characters that the user must enter correctly to have access to the protected pages.

This class implements a variant of the image based CAPTCHA validation solutions. It renders Chinese characters instead of the usual ASCII characters.

This is a better solution to protect the access to pages that are meant only for human users that can read Chinese text.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of DavidLanz
Name: DavidLanz <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Taiwan Taiwan
Age: ???
All time rank: 1811 in Taiwan Taiwan
Week rank: 215 Down2 in Taiwan Taiwan Down
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

Screenshots (1)  
  • Hippo_Chinese_Cert_Code.jpg
  Files folder image Files (9)  
File Role Description
Image file background.gif Photo simple background picture
Plain text file check.php Example Demo: compare input string and the correct one
Plain text file cht_str.php Data some Chinese words
Plain text file hippo_chinese_cert_code.php Class main Hippo_Chinese_Cert_Code class
Plain text file hippo_sample_image.php Aux. this is where we generate pictures
Plain text file index.php Aux. run demo from here!!!
Plain text file INSTALL Doc. the file u're reading
Plain text file README Lic. summary of this class

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This week:524Up