PHP Classes

Nested Sets DB Tree: Manipulate database records in hierarchical trees

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dbtree 4.4GNU General Publi...5Databases, Data types


This class can be used to manipulate nested sets of database table records as an hierarchical tree.

It can initialize a tree, insert nodes in specific positions of the tree, retrieve node and it's parent records, change nodes position and delete nodes.

Currently the class functions can:

- Retrieve all data for node with number node id
- Retrieve data of closest parent for node with number node id
- Add new child element to node with number parent id
- Add a new element into the tree near node with number node id
- Assigns another parent parent id to a node node id with all its children
- Change position of nodes within the same parent and same level of nesting
- Swapping nodes with it's children within the same parent and same level of nesting
- Deletes element with number node id from the tree without deleting it's children, moving its children up one level
- Deletes element with number node id from the tree and all it children.
- Returns all elements of the tree sorted by left value
- Returns all elements of a branch starting from an element with number node id
- Returns all parents of element with number node id
- Returns a slightly opened tree from an element with number node id
- Sort children in a tree for order field in alphabetical order
- Makes UL/LI HTML from nested sets tree with links if needed

Picture of Kuzma Feskov
Name: Kuzma Feskov <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Russian Federation Russian Federation
Age: 47
All time rank: 36110 in Russian Federation Russian Federation
Week rank: 192 Up9 in Russian Federation Russian Federation Up


 * Copyright (C) 2015 Kuzma Feskov <>
 * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
 * "GNU General Public License" version 2 as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING
 * The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at
 * http:*

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
        <title>DdTree 4.2 - Demo sample</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <meta name="author" content="Kuzma Feskov (">
    <h2>DbTree 4.2 class demo by Kuzma Feskov</h2>
    [<a href="dbtree_visual_demo.php?mode=map">Visual demo (Site map)</a>] [<a href="dbtree_visual_demo.php?mode=ajar">Visual
        demo (Ajar tree)</a>] [<a href="dbtree_visual_demo.php?mode=branch">Visual demo (Branch)</a>]


// Data base connect
$dsn['user'] = 'root';
$dsn['pass'] = '';
$dsn['host'] = 'localhost';
$dsn['db'] = 'sesmikcms';
$dsn['charset'] = 'utf8';
$dsn['errmode'] = 'exception';

define('DEBUG_MODE', false);

$db = new SafeMySQL($dsn);

$sql = 'SET NAMES utf8';

$tree_params = array(
'table' => 'test_sections',
'id' => 'section_id',
'left' => 'section_left',
'right' => 'section_right',
'level' => 'section_level'

$dbtree = new DbTreeExt($tree_params, $db);

/* ------------------------ MOVE ------------------------ */

    /* ------------------------ MOVE 2 ------------------------ */

    // Method 2: Assigns a node with all its children to another parent.
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'move_2' == $_GET['action']) {

// Move node ($_GET['section_id']) and its children to new parent ($_POST['section2_id'])
$dbtree->MoveAll((int)$_GET['section_id'], (int)$_POST['section2_id']);


/* ------------------------ MOVE 1 ------------------------ */

    // Method 1: Swapping nodes within the same level and limits of one parent with all its children.
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'move_1' == $_GET['action']) {

// Change node ($_GET['section_id']) position and all its childrens to
        // before or after ($_POST['position']) node 2 ($_POST['section2_id'])
$dbtree->ChangePositionAll((int)$_GET['section_id'], (int)$_POST['section2_id'], $_POST['position']);


/* ------------------------ MOVE FORM------------------------ */

    // Move section form
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'move' == $_GET['action']) {

// Prepare the restrictive data for the first method:
        // Swapping nodes within the same level and limits of one parent with all its children
$current_section = $dbtree->GetNode((int)$_GET['section_id']);
$parents = $dbtree->Parents((int)$_GET['section_id'], array('section_id'), array('and' => array('section_level = ' . ($current_section['section_level'] - 1))));

$item = current($parents);
$branch = $dbtree->Branch($item['section_id'], array('section_id', 'section_name'), array('and' => array('section_level = ' . $current_section['section_level'])));

// Create form
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" align="center">
                    Move section
                    <form action="dbtree_demo.php?action=move_1&section_id=<?= $_GET['section_id'] ?>" method="POST">
                        <strong>1) Swapping nodes within the same level and limits of one parent with all its
                        Choose second section:
                        <select name="section2_id">

foreach($branch as $item) {

                                    value="<?= $item['section_id'] ?>"><?= $item['section_name'] ?> <?php echo $item['section_id'] == (int)$_GET['section_id'] ? '<<<' : '' ?></option>


                        Choose position:
                        <select name="position">
                            <option value="after">After</option>
                            <option value="before">Before</option>
                        <center><input type="submit" value="Apply"></center>
                    <form action="dbtree_demo.php?action=move_2&section_id=<?= $_GET['section_id'] ?>" method="POST">
                        <strong>2) Assigns a node with all its children to another parent.</strong><br>
                        Choose second section:
                        <select name="section2_id">

// Prepare the data for the second method:
                            // Assigns a node with all its children to another parent
$full = $dbtree->Full(array('section_id', 'section_level', 'section_name'), array('or' => array('section_left <= ' . $current_section['section_left'], 'section_right >= ' . $current_section['section_right'])));

                            foreach (
$full as $item) {

                                    value="<?= $item['section_id'] ?>"><?= str_repeat('&nbsp;', 6 * $item['section_level']) ?><?= $item['section_name'] ?> <?php echo $item['section_id'] == (int)$_GET['section_id'] ? '<<<' : '' ?></option>


                        <center><input type="submit" value="Apply"></center>


/* ------------------------ DELETE ------------------------ */

    // Delete node ($_GET['section_id']) from the tree wihtout deleting it's children
    // All children apps to one level
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'delete' == $_GET['action']) {


/* ------------------------ EDIT ------------------------ */

    /* ------------------------ EDIT OK ------------------------ */

    // Update node ($_GET['section_id']) info
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit_ok' == $_GET['action']) {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM test_sections WHERE section_id = ' . (int)$_GET['section_id'];
$section = $db->getRow($sql);

        if (
false == $section) {

$sql = 'UPDATE test_sections SET ?u WHERE section_id = ?i';
$db->query($sql, $_POST['section'], $_GET['section_id']);


/* ------------------------ EDIT FORM ------------------------ */

    // Node edit form
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action']) {
$sql = 'SELECT section_name FROM test_sections WHERE section_id = ' . (int)$_GET['section_id'];
$section = $db->getOne($sql);

<table border="1" cellpadding="5" align="center">
                    Edit section
                <td align="center">
                    <form action="dbtree_demo.php?action=edit_ok&section_id=<?= $_GET['section_id'] ?>" method="POST">
                        Section name:<br>
                        <input type="text" name="section[section_name]" value="<?= $section ?>"><br><br>
                        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

/* ------------------------ ADD ------------------------ */

    /* ------------------------ ADD OK ------------------------ */

    // Add new node as children to selected node ($_GET['section_id'])
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'add_ok' == $_GET['action']) {

// Add new node
$dbtree->Insert((int)$_GET['section_id'], $_POST['section']);


/* ------------------------ ADD FORM ------------------------ */

    // Add new node form
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'add' == $_GET['action']) {

<table border="1" cellpadding="5" align="center">
                    New section
                <td align="center">
                    <form action="dbtree_demo.php?action=add_ok&section_id=<?= $_GET['section_id'] ?>" method="POST">
                        Section name:<br>
                        <input type="text" name="section[section_name]" value=""><br><br>
                        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">


/* ------------------------ LIST ------------------------ */

    // Prepare data to view all tree
$full = $dbtree->Full();

<h3>Manage tree:</h3>
    <table border="1" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
            <td width="100%">Section name</td>
            <td colspan="4">Actions</td>

= 1;
$full as $item) {
            if (
$counter % 2) {
$bgcolor = 'lightgreen';
            } else {
$bgcolor = 'yellow';

                <td bgcolor="<?= $bgcolor ?>">
                    <?= str_repeat('&nbsp;', 6 * $item['section_level']) . '<strong>' . $item['section_name'] ?></strong>
                    [<strong><?= $item['section_left'] ?></strong>, <strong><?= $item['section_right'] ?></strong>,
                    <strong><?= $item['section_level'] ?></strong>]
                <td bgcolor="<?= $bgcolor ?>">
                    <a href="dbtree_demo.php?action=add&section_id=<?= $item['section_id'] ?>">Add</a>
                <td bgcolor="<?= $bgcolor ?>">
                    <a href="dbtree_demo.php?action=edit&section_id=<?= $item['section_id'] ?>">Edit</a>
                <td bgcolor="<?= $bgcolor ?>">

if (0 == $item['section_level']) {
                    } else {

<a href="dbtree_demo.php?action=delete&section_id=<?= $item['section_id'] ?>">Delete</a>

                <td bgcolor="<?= $bgcolor ?>">

if (0 == $item['section_level']) {
                    } else {

<a href="dbtree_demo.php?action=move&section_id=<?= $item['section_id'] ?>">Move</a>




DbTree - Nested Sets

This class can be used to manipulate nested sets of database table records as an hierarchical tree.

It can initialize a tree, insert nodes in specific positions of the tree, retrieve node and it's parent records, change nodes position and delete nodes..

This source file is part of the SESMIK CMS.


  • `GetNode` - Receive all data for node with number $nodeId.
  • `GetParent` - Receive data of closest parent for node with number $nodeId.
  • `Insert` - Add new child element to node with number $parentId.
  • `InsertNear` - Add a new element into the tree near node with number $nodeId.
  • `MoveAll` - Assigns another parent ($parentId) to a node ($nodeId) with all its children.
  • `ChangePosition` - Change position of nodes. Nodes have to have same parent and same level of nesting.
  • `ChangePositionAll` - Swapping nodes with it's children. Nodes have to have same parent and same level of nesting. $nodeId1 can be placed "before" or "after" $nodeId2.
  • `Delete` - Deletes element with number $nodeId from the tree without deleting it's children. All it's children will move up one level.
  • `DeleteAll` - Deletes element with number $nodeId from the tree and all it children.
  • `Full` - Returns all elements of the tree sorted by "left".
  • `Branch` - Returns all elements of a branch starting from an element with number $nodeId.
  • `Parents` - Returns all parents of element with number $nodeId.
  • `Ajar` - Returns a slightly opened tree from an element with number $nodeId.
  • `SortChildren` - Sort children in a tree for $orderField in alphabetical order.
  • `MakeUlList` - Makes UL/LI html from nested sets tree with links (if needed). UL id named as table_name + _tree.


  • v4.4 - MakeUlList modified
  • v4.3 - Added new method MakeUlList
  • v4.2 - added fully functional demo samples
  • v4.1 - added new method SortChildren

russian dicumentation

Author Kuzma Feskov <>

Copyright © 2015, Kuzma Feskov

Screenshots (1)  
  • dbtree_manage
  Files folder image Files (10)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageexamples (3 files)
Files folder imagelanguage (2 files)
Plain text file DbTree.class.php Class DbTree v4.4
Plain text file DbTreeExt.class.php Class DbTree v4.4
Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Plain text file safemysql.class.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files (10)  /  examples  
File Role Description
  Plain text file dbtree_demo.php Example Example script
  Plain text file dbtree_visual_demo.php Example Example script
  Plain text file sample_dump.sql Example MySQL dump of demo

  Files folder image Files (10)  /  language  
File Role Description
  Plain text file dbtree.lang-en.php Class Class source
  Plain text file dbtree.lang-ru.php Class Class source

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