PHP Classes

A Golf Handicap: Record played golf games in a MySQL database

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StarStarStar 55%Total: 1,017 All time: 3,609 This week: 52Up
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agolfhandicap 1.0.0GNU General Publi...Statistics, Games


This class can be use to record golf games played by multiple players in a MySQL database.

It generates Web forms for entering the results of each game, updates the database, calculate the handicap indexes and display the current ratings in an HTML table.

Picture of George Clarke
Name: George Clarke <contact>
Classes: 7 packages by
Country: United States United States
Age: 78
All time rank: 10413 in United States United States
Week rank: 131 Down16 in United States United States Down
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


Version 1.1.0 of AGolfHandicap class 1. Every field must now have an entry in the game input form. If one or more does not, it comes back to let you complete the form. 2. Each record displayed in the games played table now has a Delete button which enables you to delete that record from the database. 3. Each record displayed in the games played table now has an Edit button Which enables you to edit or correct data in that record from the database. 4. Added a Cancel button in the form to enter or edit games. 5 To correct a sorting bug by date, the dates are now saved in the database in the following format, mm/dd/yyyy. (with leading zeros and 4 digit year.) This means that if you have games entered from the original version of this class, for each game entered, you should click on Edit and then click on Submit to save the dates in the proper format. Otherwise the games will not sort properly and the handicap will not be calculated correctly.

  Files folder image Files (4)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file agolfhandicap.php Example Example script for AGolfHandicap class
Plain text file class.agolfhandicap.php Class Class file for AGolfHandicap class
Plain text file golfhcapu.sql Data Database for AGolfHandicap class
Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Description of changes

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