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export from db mysql to vcard

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Subject:export from db mysql to vcard
Author:Silvestro capurso
Date:2015-02-26 19:09:23

  1. export from db mysql to vcard   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Silvestro capurso Silvestro capurso - 2015-02-26 19:09:23
I saw your class and I have a question, how can export record from a table mysql to vcard with a while loop mysql_fetch_array?
My code is:
$vcard = new VCard;
$sel= "SELECT * FROM table_utente WHERE reclame_info='1' GROUP BY tel_utente";
$result = mysql_query("$sel",$vcard->conn->_hDB) or die("impossibile collegarsi al database ".@mysql_error());
$num= mysql_num_rows($result);
while($contatti = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$nominativo = explode(" ",$nome_cognome);
if($email_utente!='[email protected]'){
$servies [] = array($vcard->setFirstName($record['first_name']),$vcard->setLastName($record['last_name']),$vcard->setCellphone($record['tel_cell_voice']),$vcard->setEMail($record['email']));



But outputfile wirte only the last record.
Best regards