 Shane - 2007-01-22 23:39:27
I am using the multiple_file_upload_class.php to upload images from our customer's local machine to a folder on their website. The files are uploaded successfully, however they do not have sufficient permissions once uploaded. The Internet Guest Account(SERVER\IUSR_SERVER) is missing from, and therefore, when the database results call the images, a username/password prompt appears. The folder for the images has correct permissions, as there are other older images present in the folder which can be viewed without problem. Can you help me?
 muhammad arslan ali - 2007-01-23 05:49:47 - In reply to message 1 from Shane
i am facing similar kind of problem, if any one can help me please. i am trying to upload file which creates first directory on server and then uploads file into it. Every thing works fine when i have tested programme locally but after uploading my web site on server. i am only able to create folder and no file can be uploaded into that folder. i am using mkdir(foldername,0777) giving full permission access to folder but all in vain.
if i try to upload file to a folder which is already there, file uploads successfully. i am dealing basically with image file(.jpg,.gif)
please can any one tell me the solution.
Arslan ali
 Shane - 2007-01-23 20:18:21 - In reply to message 1 from Shane
I figured it out. On Windows 2003 server, I changed my temp download folder in php.ini to a custom folder. That alone did not correct the permissions problem on the files. Only when I gave my temp folder read/write permissions for SERVER\IUSR_SERVER did my files receive the correct permissions. In other words, my uploaded files are inheriting their permissions from the temp folder. I don't know if this is a kosher solution. If it is not, I would gladly receive some correction.