Manuel Lemos - 2006-11-30 14:12:46 -
In reply to message 1 from Matthias Mohr
I have not looked at that package, but it crossed my mind using the PHP tokenizer extension to parse each package PHP source files and figure which functions it uses and lookup against a table with the versions those functions were introduced in PHP. That is probably what that package does.
However, this is a bit more complicated than that. This site is running on PHP 4. Some packages use PHP 5. PHP 5 scripts fail to parse when using tokenizer functions under PHP 4. I would have to figure a way to run PHP 5 just for checking the minimum required version.
I already have that problem when I try to highlight PHP source files. It does not always fail to highlight PHP 5 scripts, but sometimes it gives me parsing errors.
Anyway, thank you for your suggestion.