 Full name - 2006-09-28 00:03:19
Have you tried to use Apache2 with PHP CGI's running by FastCGI?
Using FastCGI is most likely to improve the server's load and processing time by having pre-loaded cgi's.
At the moment I can't find the link I was searching for you, but I think this will give you the idea: http://www.trilithium.com/johan/2005/04/apache2-fastcgi/
 Manuel Lemos - 2006-09-28 00:30:53 - In reply to message 1 from Full name
I have not used FastCGI but from what I could gather it is not faster than mod_php nor even than PHP as Apache DSO .
I think the main interest of using FastCGI is to work around the problem that certain PHP extensions are not re-entrant, so their functions cannot be used with mod_php with a multithreaded Web server such as Apache with worker, IIS, LightHttpd, thttpd, etc..
Therefore, PHP with Apache 2 DSO can only run with prefork mode which is basically the same as Apache 1.x .
 Rajshekhr - 2009-04-18 19:28:23 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
We have written an application using PHP and implementing Comet technology.
We are having a hard time , we are not able to scale up to more then 25 users.
Is there any solutions where we can scale our application from 25 users to 1,000 users ?.
Let me know at sipoyraj at yahoo doot com
Rajshekhar Sipoy
 anis amor - 2010-11-18 09:48:17 - In reply to message 3 from Rajshekhr
Do you know please whether I can set the number of child processes at 1 using the multi-threading model (worker) in Apache 2.X ?
Thanks in advance !!
 Manuel Lemos - 2010-11-19 06:36:28 - In reply to message 3 from Rajshekhr
Apache is not good for that. A more efficient solution may be Node.js, but that is a JavaScript server side based implementation. It is very fast and recommended but then it would not be PHP anymore.
You may want to listen to this podcast or read the transcript, as it talks about this subject:
jsclasses.org/blog/post/3-Is-NodeJS ...