Yakim - 2014-06-26 18:24:11
the tab-like navigation employed in the layout of package pages: provides no onmouseover indication whether a given item is clickable (screenshots link, view files link, reputation link) or is leads to a dead-end. Is a screenshot provided for EVERY package?
iframed offsite demos:
moderator approves... but later, code at the remote site may be swapped with malicious code (or the author's domain registration for the remote site lapses, and new owner serves referer spam)
If you cannot host demo installation of each submitted package (agree, this is risky/unwise) it is proper to link to the remote content and display a pageflip icon to indicate _target=new the link targets a new window (er, browser tab)
Click "support forum" link displayed on each package details page.
No clickable link exist (none that I see) to return from the "discussions" pages back to the package details page. THAT (support/discussion, or none) is, I think, really what should be displayed inline (or iframed) within the details page, NOT iframed "demo" content supplied by offsite servers.
While I am typing this comment, I cannot see the text of the page I'm commenting on. This is certainly not ideal.
To enter this comment, I was forced to click a "login" link... although I was/am already logged into the phpclasses site. Seems daft