Jeff Dickey - 2011-06-21 19:14:55 -
In reply to message 1 from Jurgen_v_O
...as several people have commented here and elsewhere, the PHP core dev process is deeply flawed and needs some fresh blood, if not a complete re-architecting. When people use words like "Kremlin" with regard to the current core team; when core list members complain about noise on the mailing lists, implying that as the reason why useful enhancements with reasonable draft patches aren't looked at in a year, then Things Have Gone Drastically Wrong. When people express frustration to such a degree that they say things like "I used to love PHP, but I find myself using it as a last resort anymore", something is dramatically wrong — and the longer that things remain officially "situation normal; everything on course", the faster PHP will go the way of, say, Modula-2 and DIBOL.
I've had a book on standards-driven, agile Web development using PHP that's been 85% complete for some three years now. I've been dissuaded from finishing primarily by the train wreck that PHP is becoming (or has become, depending on your view). I've had a few projects that used languages like Python and tools like jQuery (as mentioned elsewhere), which both seem to have the kind of strong leadership __that listens and responds thoughtfully to its community__ that we've all wished for for PHP. How many good ideas have been left to rot merely because "some on the internals list seem to take great pleasure in just saying no", as one other commenter put it (paraphrasing)? If PHP continues to become more "Kremlinised", that doesn't bode well for ANY of us, does it?
How to go forward?