Arturs Sosins - 2011-06-15 10:40:07
Although, I've read about changes and was impressed with string handling optimizations in different functions and many other features, especially short arrays, which would be really interesting to try them out, still I wouldn't use this PHP fork more than just a playground to try out new features. Mainly because of its undetermined future and compatibility with further PHP releases.
But in my opinion it wasn't really Robert's intention to think about PHP fork in a way of alternative to standard PHP. It was more like a protest, an action to express concerns of many PHP developers about what is really happening in PHP Core Development. About time it takes to decide and implement features, about language syntax novelties which might ease development of PHP applications, but are so often denied by PHP Core Developers.
So best thing we could do is spread the word about PHP fork and express our opinions about its separate features and show PHP community that PHP developers are ready for innovations, that they are not afraid of trying them out.