Manuel Lemos - 2010-08-17 22:16:20 -
In reply to message 1 from Cynthia R. Douglas
There is nothing to be paranoid about it. You only need to allow cookies from https://accounts.icontem.com/ , which is the single sign-on site. Icontem is the company that owns the PHPClasses site.
In reality https://accounts.icontem.com/ is not a third party site, but browsers consider it third party because it opens in an iframe in the middle of a page of PHPClasses.
In a few days another site will be launched. You will be able to use the same account you use to access PHPClasses to access the new site. I am sure you would consider it even more annoying if you had to create a new account to access the new site.
Other than that, the new login page is available only by secure HTTP (HTTPS/SSL), unlike in the past. That protects you from somebody snooping your connections and steal you password to take over your account.
In sum, there is nothing to worry.