Garrett W. - 2010-04-15 04:12:48 -
In reply to message 10 from Manuel Lemos
The link you provided tells me the best location for ads, based on performance, not based on users' actual eye movement patterns. Also, it says nothing about the reasoning you gave.
If nothing else, the link you gave actually gives a reason to NOT put the icontem logo in that corner -- because ads in that corner, according to Google, do not get traffic. However, that doesn't mean that people never ever look up there. That heat map, again, was not based on tracking users' eye movements.
Anyway, I don't need your heat maps to tell me what is eye-catching and what is not. I know that my eyes are drawn to it before the actual site logo.
Don't get me wrong, I like the elephant on the right. It's just what's next to it that doesn't really belong.