 Roberto Aleman - 2009-12-17 23:05:45
Why the proposals that have judge in your structure of CSS follow in the competence? for example I see a proposal with a pretty elephant but with errors in your CSS, not appears me just for the others rival that have a serious proposal, with CSS that functions correctly and with all carried out icons and original
 Manuel Lemos - 2009-12-17 23:09:56 - In reply to message 1 from Roberto Aleman
All CSS style sheets are validated with a CSS parser. There should be no CSS style sheets with syntatic errors.
If you found CSS style sheets with semantic errors that is another story. It is hard to verify such kind errors with software.
 Roberto Aleman - 2009-12-17 23:47:01 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
I refer me to that there is designs that it is shown with errors, are several that this would that, as for the example the design of the pretty elephant, has big errors in the presentation I believe that that type of proposals must pass to him,
 Manuel Lemos - 2009-12-18 00:41:29 - In reply to message 3 from Roberto Aleman
I am not sure what you mean but I suppose you are referring to layout errors.
In that case, it is hard for me to review all themes in all combinations of site pages, resolutions, users and browsers. Therefore I decided to not do it, deferring the decision to the users voting in the designs.
In the end, only one design will be picked. If that design still has layout errors, the author will be required to fix it before he gets his prize.