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  Classes of Murat Cileli   Papernic   vendor/symfony/security-acl/Resources/schema/drizzle.sql   Download  
File: vendor/symfony/security-acl/Resources/schema/drizzle.sql
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CREATE TABLE acl_classes (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, class_type VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_69DD750638A36066 (class_type), PRIMARY KEY(id)) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB CREATE TABLE acl_security_identities (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, identifier VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, username BOOLEAN NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_8835EE78772E836AF85E0677 (identifier, username), PRIMARY KEY(id)) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB CREATE TABLE acl_object_identities (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, parent_object_identity_id INT DEFAULT NULL, class_id INT NOT NULL, object_identifier VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, entries_inheriting BOOLEAN NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_9407E5494B12AD6EA000B10 (object_identifier, class_id), INDEX IDX_9407E54977FA751A (parent_object_identity_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB CREATE TABLE acl_object_identity_ancestors (object_identity_id INT NOT NULL, ancestor_id INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_825DE2993D9AB4A6 (object_identity_id), INDEX IDX_825DE299C671CEA1 (ancestor_id), PRIMARY KEY(object_identity_id, ancestor_id)) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB CREATE TABLE acl_entries (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, class_id INT NOT NULL, object_identity_id INT DEFAULT NULL, security_identity_id INT NOT NULL, field_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL, ace_order INT NOT NULL, mask INT NOT NULL, granting BOOLEAN NOT NULL, granting_strategy VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, audit_success BOOLEAN NOT NULL, audit_failure BOOLEAN NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_46C8B806EA000B103D9AB4A64DEF17BCE4289BF4 (class_id, object_identity_id, field_name, ace_order), INDEX IDX_46C8B806EA000B103D9AB4A6DF9183C9 (class_id, object_identity_id, security_identity_id), INDEX IDX_46C8B806EA000B10 (class_id), INDEX IDX_46C8B8063D9AB4A6 (object_identity_id), INDEX IDX_46C8B806DF9183C9 (security_identity_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB ALTER TABLE acl_object_identities ADD CONSTRAINT FK_9407E54977FA751A FOREIGN KEY (parent_object_identity_id) REFERENCES acl_object_identities (id) ALTER TABLE acl_object_identity_ancestors ADD CONSTRAINT FK_825DE2993D9AB4A6 FOREIGN KEY (object_identity_id) REFERENCES acl_object_identities (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ALTER TABLE acl_object_identity_ancestors ADD CONSTRAINT FK_825DE299C671CEA1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_id) REFERENCES acl_object_identities (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ALTER TABLE acl_entries ADD CONSTRAINT FK_46C8B806EA000B10 FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES acl_classes (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ALTER TABLE acl_entries ADD CONSTRAINT FK_46C8B8063D9AB4A6 FOREIGN KEY (object_identity_id) REFERENCES acl_object_identities (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ALTER TABLE acl_entries ADD CONSTRAINT FK_46C8B806DF9183C9 FOREIGN KEY (security_identity_id) REFERENCES acl_security_identities (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE