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File: examples/numbers.php

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  Classes of Joubert RedRat   PHP AJAX Table   examples/numbers.php   Download  
File: examples/numbers.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP AJAX Table
Load HTML tables dynamically using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: Merge branch 'master' of
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 5,777 bytes


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 * Example controller to see AjaxTable in action!
 * @author Joubert <>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Vector Internet Business and AjaxTable contributors
 * @license: MIT
 * @see
 * @see


 * AjaxTable is separated in two steps, create config and response request
 * On this step we will create response for ajax request

if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
    switch (
$_REQUEST['action']) {
             * With this example have numbers.sql for you to play
$conn = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'your-awesome-root-user', 'with-his-awesome-password', 'and-awesome-database');
$conn->query('SET CHARACTER_SET utf8');
$conn->query('SET NAMES utf8');

             * Ok, you will need to create new response for AjaxTable
$Response = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Response();

             * If you send custom params, probably you will need for use in your model
$params = $Response->getCustomParams();

             * With AjaxTable you can get limit and order array ready for use in your query
$limit = $Response->getLimitForSql();
$order = $Response->getOrderByForSql();

             * You can try cause error to see that AjaxTable will understand the error and display a message in view
            //$whyguy = 4 / 0;

             * AjaxTable need how many lines in total to build pagination, then you set this
$qtotal = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total from numbers';
            if (isset(
$params['search'])) {
$qtotal .= ' WHERE `en-us` LIKE "%'.$params['search'].'%" OR `pt-br` LIKE "%'.$params['search'].'%"';

$data = $conn->query($qtotal);
$total = $data->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)['total'];


$query = [];

$query[] = 'SELECT * from numbers';
            if (isset(
$params['search'])) {
$query[] = 'WHERE `en-us` LIKE "%'.$params['search'].'%" OR `pt-br` LIKE "%'.$params['search'].'%"';
            if (
$order) {
$query[] = 'ORDER BY '.implode(' ', $order);
$query[] = 'LIMIT '.implode(', ', $limit);

$data = $conn->query(implode(' ', $query));

            while (
$rows = $data->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {

                 * You create new Cells for for Columns on view
$CellId = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['id']);

                 * Look here, Cell support html
$CellEnUs = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell('<b>'.$rows['en-us'].'</b>');

$alert_msg = $rows['en-us'].' in brazilian is '.$rows['pt-br'];
                 * Also javascript too!
$CellPtBr = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell(
'<span onclick="javascript:alert(\''.$alert_msg.'\');">'.$rows['pt-br'].'</span>'
$CellPtBr->addClass('javascript-link', 'javascript-href');

$CellEsEs = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell('Click to see');
$CellEsEs->addData('number', $rows['id']);
$CellEsEs->addData('spanish', $rows['es-es']);

$CellFrFr = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['fr-fr']);
$CellDeDe = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['de-de']);
$CellJaJp = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['ja-jp']);
$CellRuRu = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['ru-ru']);

                 * After create Cells, you need a Row to store your Cells
$Row = new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Row($CellId, $CellEnUs, $CellPtBr, $CellEsEs, $CellFrFr, $CellDeDe);
$Row->addCell(new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['ko-kp']));
$Row->addCell(new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['he-il']));

                 * And add Row to response

                 * A simple way to add too if you want to be fast and furious :)
                    new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Row(
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['id']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['en-us']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['pt-br']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['es-es']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['fr-fr']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['de-de']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['ja-jp']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['ru-ru']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['ko-kp']),
                        new VectorDev\AjaxTable\Cell($rows['he-il'])

             * Finally, build response to view