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File: WsdlToPhpService.php

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File: WsdlToPhpService.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: WSDL To PHP
Generate classes to send SOAP requests from a WSDL
Author: By
Last change: [UPDATE] PSR-2 standards for generator files and generated files
[UPDATE] enhancements for duplicated operations

This now generates distinct methods for operations with distinct
parameter type. The generated method matching the operation is named
either with the parameter type (when there is only one parameter) or
with the md5 hash of the var_export value of the parameters.
[UPDATE] enhancements and refactoring


Simplification of the instantiation of Service objects in the
generated sample file by removing the SoapClient options parameter. By
default, the cache_wsdl is disabled, the wsdl_url is set with the WSDL
url used to generate the package and trace is set with true. The
VALUE_WSDL_URL constant has been added to the generated WsdlClass
defined with the WSDL url used to generate the package.

Remove trailing ?> in generator files/classes.

Add WsdlToPhpGenerator::getWsdl($_index) method to get any WSDL at any

Enhance generated sample file with explanation about the optional
parameter allowing to override the SoapClient Options. Remove the $wsdl
parareter previously used to instantiate each Service object.

Avoid Struct object to reset SoapClient when it is instantiated when
calling the parent constructor.
[UPDATE] global php doc harmonisation and minor improvement
[UPDATE] SoapHeader improvements

After one case that breaks, we discover one little bug when catching data for SoapHeaders from schemas. Indeed, the namespace was wrong and the name of the parameter too. We made sure data are retrieved from the right WSDL attributes and that each SoapHeader is well defined in the Service class.

Put setSoapHeader method in the *WsdlClass so each Service class can call it which simplifies its definition
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 10,767 bytes

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