namespace ParagonIE\HPKE\KEM\DHKEM;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Curves\NistCurve;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Curves\SecgCurve;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Curves\SecureCurveFactory;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Exception\InsecureCurveException;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Primitives\CurveFpInterface;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Primitives\GeneratorPoint;
use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;
use ParagonIE\HPKE\HPKEException;
enum Curve : string
case X25519 = 'X25519';
case Secp256k1 = 'Secp256k1';
case NistP256 = 'P-256';
case NistP384 = 'P-384';
case NistP521 = 'P-521';
public function decapsKeyLength(): int
return match($this) {
self::X25519, self::Secp256k1, self::NistP256 => 32,
self::NistP384 => 48,
self::NistP521 => 66,
public function encapsKeyLength(): int
return match($this) {
self::X25519 => 32,
self::Secp256k1, self::NistP256 => 65,
self::NistP384 => 97,
self::NistP521 => 133,
public function getEasyECC(): EasyECC
return match($this) {
self::X25519 => new EasyECC(),
self::NistP256 => new EasyECC('P256'),
self::NistP384 => new EasyECC('P384'),
self::NistP521 => new EasyECC('P521'),
self::Secp256k1 => new EasyECC('K256')
* @throws InsecureCurveException
* @throws HPKEException
public function getCurveFp(): CurveFpInterface
return match($this) {
self::X25519 =>
throw new HPKEException('X25519 does not have a phpecc class to call; use libsodium'),
self::Secp256k1 => SecureCurveFactory::getCurveByName(SecgCurve::NAME_SECP_256K1),
self::NistP256 => SecureCurveFactory::getCurveByName(NistCurve::NAME_P256),
self::NistP384 => SecureCurveFactory::getCurveByName(NistCurve::NAME_P384),
self::NistP521 => SecureCurveFactory::getCurveByName(NistCurve::NAME_P521),
* @throws InsecureCurveException
* @throws HPKEException
public function getGenerator(): GeneratorPoint
return match($this) {
self::X25519 =>
throw new HPKEException('X25519 does not have a phpecc class to call; use libsodium'),
self::Secp256k1 =>
self::NistP256 =>
self::NistP384 =>
self::NistP521 =>