* This file is part of Chevere.
* (c) Rodolfo Berrios <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Chevere\Parameter;
use ArgumentCountError;
use ArrayAccess;
use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\ArgumentsInterface;
use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\CastInterface;
use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\ParametersInterface;
use Chevere\Parameter\Traits\ExceptionErrorMessageTrait;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use OutOfBoundsException;
use ReflectionClass;
use Throwable;
use TypeError;
use function Chevere\Message\message;
final class Arguments implements ArgumentsInterface
use ExceptionErrorMessageTrait;
private ParametersInterface $iterable;
* @var array<int|string, mixed>
private array $arguments = [];
* @var array<string>
private array $null = [];
* @var array<string>
private array $reflected = [];
* @var string[]
private array $errors = [];
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
public function __construct(
private ParametersInterface $parameters,
array|ArrayAccess $arguments
) {
if ($arguments instanceof ArrayAccess) {
$arguments = $this->getArrayAccessArray($arguments);
$isIterable = $parameters->keys() === ['K', 'V'];
$countArguments = count($arguments);
if (array_is_list($arguments) && ! $isIterable) {
$parametersMap = array_slice($this->parameters->keys(), 0, $countArguments);
$arguments = array_combine($parametersMap, $arguments);
if ($isIterable) {
$pairs = [];
foreach (array_keys($arguments) as $key) {
$key = strval($key);
$pairs[$key] = $parameters->get('V');
$this->iterable = new Parameters(...$pairs);
if (! $this->parameters->isVariadic()) {
if ($this->errors !== []) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
implode("\n", $this->errors)
public function parameters(): ParametersInterface
return $this->iterable ?? $this->parameters;
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
public function toArray(): array
return $this->arguments;
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
public function toArrayFill(mixed $fill): array
$filler = array_fill_keys($this->null, $fill);
return array_merge($filler, $this->arguments);
* @throws OutOfBoundsException
* @throws TypeError
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function withPut(string $name, mixed $value): ArgumentsInterface
$new = clone $this;
$new->assertSetArgument($name, $value);
$new->arguments[$name] = $value;
return $new;
public function has(string ...$name): bool
foreach ($name as $key) {
if (! array_key_exists($key, $this->arguments)) {
return false;
return true;
public function get(string $name): mixed
return $this->arguments[$name] ?? null;
public function required(string $name): CastInterface
if ($this->parameters()->optionalKeys()->contains($name)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Argument `%name%` is optional',
name: $name
return new Cast($this->arguments[$name]);
public function optional(string $name): ?CastInterface
if (! $this->parameters()->optionalKeys()->contains($name)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Argument `%name%` is required',
name: $name
if ($this->has($name)) {
return new Cast($this->arguments[$name]);
return null;
private function ignoreExtraArguments(): void
$this->arguments = array_intersect_key(
private function handleDefaults(): void
foreach ($this->parameters() as $name => $parameter) {
if ($this->has($name)) {
if ($parameter->default() === null) {
$this->null[] = $name;
$this->arguments[$name] = $parameter->default();
private function assertRequired(): void
$values = array_keys($this->arguments);
$missing = array_diff(
if ($missing !== []) {
throw new ArgumentCountError(
(string) message(
'Missing required argument(s): `%missing%`',
missing: implode(', ', $missing)
private function assertMinimumOptional(): void
$optional = $this->parameters()->optionalKeys()->toArray();
$providedOptionals = array_intersect(
$countProvided = count($providedOptionals);
if ($countProvided < $this->parameters()->optionalMinimum()) {
throw new ArgumentCountError(
(string) message(
'Requires minimum **%minimum%** optional argument(s), **%provided%** provided',
minimum: strval($this->parameters()->optionalMinimum()),
provided: strval($countProvided)
* @infection-ignore-all
private function assertSetArgument(string $name, mixed $argument, ?string $key = null): void
$parameter = $this->parameters()->get($name);
$property = $name;
if ($key !== null) {
$property = $key . '...' . $name;
if (
version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.2.0', '>=')
&& class_exists('SensitiveParameterValue')
&& $argument instanceof \SensitiveParameterValue
) {
$argument = $argument->getValue();
try {
$this->arguments[$key ?? $name] = $parameter->__invoke($argument);
} catch (TypeError $e) {
throw new $e(
$this->getExceptionPropertyMessage($property, $e)
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
$this->getExceptionPropertyMessage($property, $e)
private function getExceptionPropertyMessage(string $name, Throwable $e): string
$message = $this->getExceptionMessage($e);
return "[{$name}]: {$message}";
private function handleParameters(): void
$lastPos = array_key_last($this->parameters()->keys());
foreach ($this->parameters()->keys() as $pos => $name) {
if ($pos === $lastPos && $this->parameters->isVariadic()) {
$variadicKeys = array_diff_key(
foreach ($variadicKeys as $key => $value) {
$key = strval($key);
try {
$this->assertSetArgument($name, $value, $key);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->errors[] = $e->getMessage();
if ($this->isSkipOptional($name)) {
try {
$this->assertSetArgument($name, $this->get($name));
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->errors[] = $e->getMessage();
private function isSkipOptional(string $name): bool
return $this->parameters()->optionalKeys()->contains($name)
&& ! $this->has($name);
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $arguments
private function setArguments(array $arguments): void
$keys = array_keys($arguments);
foreach ($keys as $name) {
$name = strval($name);
$this->arguments[$name] = $arguments[$name];
* @param ArrayAccess<int|string, mixed> $arguments
* @return array<int|string, mixed>
private function getArrayAccessArray(ArrayAccess $arguments): array
$array = [];
$cast = (array) $arguments;
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($arguments);
$properties = $reflector->getProperties();
foreach ($properties as $property) {
$name = $property->getName();
$array[$name] = $property->getValue($arguments);
$this->reflected[] = $name;
$this->fixScopeArrayCast($array, $cast);
return $array;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $array
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $cast
private function fixScopeArrayCast(array &$array, array $cast): void
foreach ($cast as $key => $value) {
$key = strval($key);
if (str_contains($key, "\x00")
|| in_array($key, $this->reflected, true)) {
$array[$key] = $value;