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File: bootstrap/constants.php

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  Classes of Ujah Chigozie peter   Luminova REST API Example   bootstrap/constants.php   Download  
File: bootstrap/constants.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Luminova REST API Example
Implements an example of a REST API
Author: By
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Date: 3 months ago
Size: 10,365 bytes


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<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * Luminova Framework * * @package Luminova * @author Ujah Chigozie Peter * @copyright (c) Nanoblock Technology Ltd * @license See LICENSE file */ /** * @var string TRIM_DS pattern to trim directory separator. */ defined('TRIM_DS') || define('TRIM_DS', '/\\'); /** * @var string APP_ROOT system root 2 levels back. */ defined('APP_ROOT') || define('APP_ROOT', dirname(__DIR__, 1) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if(!function_exists('setenv')){ /** * Set an environment variable if it doesn't already exist. * * @param string $key The key of the environment variable. * @param string $value The value of the environment variable. * @param bool $append_to_env Weather to save or update the value in .env file (default: false). * * @return bool Return true on success, otherwise false on failure. */ function setenv(string $key, string $value, bool $append_to_env = false): bool { if ($key === '') { return false; } $key = trim($key); $value = trim($value); if (!getenv($key, true)) { putenv("{$key}={$value}"); } $_ENV[$key] = $value; $_SERVER[$key] = $value; if ($append_to_env) { $path = APP_ROOT . '.env'; try { $file = new SplFileObject($path, 'a+'); $content = ''; $found = false; $pattern = '/^' . preg_quote($key, '/') . '\s*=/m'; while (!$file->eof()) { $line = $file->fgets(); if (preg_match($pattern, $line)) { $found = true; $content .= "$key=$value\n"; }else{ $content .= $line; } } if (!$found) { $content .= "\n$key=$value"; } (new SplFileObject($path, 'w'))->fwrite($content); return true; } catch (RuntimeException|LogicException $e) { return false; } } return true; } } if(!function_exists('env')){ /** * Get environment variable value from registered `ENV` variables. * * @param string $key The environment variable key to retrieve. * @param mixed $default Optional default value to return if the key is not found (default: null). * * @return array|string|int|float|double|bool|null Return the value of the specified environment key or default value if not found. */ function env(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed { if($key === ''){ return ''; } static $arrays = []; if (($value = $arrays[$key] ?? null) !== null) { return $value; } $value = $_ENV[$key] ?? ($_SERVER[$key] ?? getenv($key)); // Value cannot be false it always stored as string or an array. if ($value === false) { return $default; } $result = match (strtolower($value)) { 'true', 'enable' => true, 'false', 'disable' => false, 'blank' => '', 'null' => null, default => ((str_starts_with($value, '[') && str_ends_with($value, ']')) ? '__ENV_ARRAY__' : (is_numeric($value) ? $value + 0 : $value ) ) }; if($result === '__ENV_ARRAY__'){ if($value === '[]'){ $arrays[$key] = []; return []; } $result = array_map(function($item) { $item = trim($item, " '\"\n\r\t\v\0"); return match ($item) { 'true' => true, 'false' => false, 'null' => null, is_numeric($item) => $item + 0, default => $item }; }, explode(',', trim($value, '[] '))); $arrays[$key] = $result; } return $result; } } /** * Register environment variables from a .env file. * * @param string $path The path to the .env file. * * @return void */ (function(string $path){ if (file_exists($path)) { try{ $file = new SplFileObject($path, 'r'); while (!$file->eof()) { $line = trim($file->fgets()); if (str_starts_with($line, '#') || str_starts_with($line, ';')) { continue; } $parts = explode('=', $line, 2); if (isset($parts[1])) { setenv($parts[0], $parts[1]); } } return; }catch(RuntimeException|LogicException){} exit("Environment file not found on: {$path}, make sure you add .env file to your project root."); } })(APP_ROOT . '.env'); /** * Define our public application front controller of not defined * * @var string FRONT_CONTROLLER */ defined('FRONT_CONTROLLER') || define('FRONT_CONTROLLER', APP_ROOT . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); /** * @var string DOCUMENT_ROOT document root directory path */ defined('DOCUMENT_ROOT') || define('DOCUMENT_ROOT', realpath(FRONT_CONTROLLER . 'public') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); /** * @var int STATUS_OK success status code */ defined('STATUS_SUCCESS') || define('STATUS_SUCCESS', 0); /** * @var int STATUS_ERROR error status code */ defined('STATUS_ERROR') || define('STATUS_ERROR', 1); /** * @var string APP_VERSION application version */ defined('APP_VERSION') || define('APP_VERSION', env('app.version', '1.0.0')); /** * @var string APP_FILE_VERSION application version */ defined('APP_FILE_VERSION') || define('APP_FILE_VERSION', env('app.file.version', '1.0.0')); /** * @var string APP_NAME application name */ defined('APP_NAME') || define('APP_NAME', env('', 'Example')); /** * @var string ENVIRONMENT application development state */ defined('ENVIRONMENT') || define('ENVIRONMENT', env('app.environment.mood', 'development')); /** * @var bool PRODUCTION check if on production */ defined('PRODUCTION') || define('PRODUCTION', ENVIRONMENT === 'production'); /** * @var bool MAINTENANCE check if on maintenance mode */ defined('MAINTENANCE') || define('MAINTENANCE', (bool) env('app.maintenance.mood', false)); /** * @var string URL_SCHEME get request url scheme http or https */ defined('URL_SCHEME') || define('URL_SCHEME', (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? 'https' : 'http')); /** * @var string APP_HOSTNAME get application hostname */ defined('APP_HOSTNAME') || define('APP_HOSTNAME', env('app.hostname', '')); /** * @var string APP_WWW_HOSTNAME get application url */ defined('APP_WWW_HOSTNAME') || define('APP_WWW_HOSTNAME', 'www.' . APP_HOSTNAME); /** * @var string APP_URL get application www hostname */ defined('APP_URL') || define('APP_URL', URL_SCHEME . '://' . APP_HOSTNAME); /** * @var string APP_WWW_URL get application www url */ defined('APP_WWW_URL') || define('APP_WWW_URL', URL_SCHEME . '://' . APP_WWW_HOSTNAME); /** * @var bool SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE show debug tracer */ defined('SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE') || define('SHOW_DEBUG_BACKTRACE', (bool) env('', false)); /** * @var bool NOVAKIT_ENV NovaKit executable command */ defined('NOVAKIT_ENV') || define('NOVAKIT_ENV', ($_SERVER['NOVAKIT_EXECUTION_ENV'] ?? null)); /** * @var bool PROJECT_ID Get the project ID, * This is based on directory your project is located as product id or empty on php server. */ defined('PROJECT_ID') || define('PROJECT_ID', trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']??''), TRIM_DS)); /** * @var int FETCH_ASSOC Fetch as an associative array */ defined('FETCH_ASSOC') || define('FETCH_ASSOC', 0); /** * @var int FETCH_NUM Fetch as an array integer index */ defined('FETCH_NUM') || define('FETCH_NUM', 1); /** * @var int FETCH_BOTH Fetch as an array integer index and associative */ defined('FETCH_BOTH') || define('FETCH_BOTH', 2); /** * @var int FETCH_OBJ Fetch as an object */ defined('FETCH_OBJ') || define('FETCH_OBJ', 3); /** * @var int FETCH_COLUMN Fetch as an array columns integer index */ defined('FETCH_COLUMN') || define('FETCH_COLUMN', 4); /** * @var int FETCH_NUM_OBJ Fetch as an object with string integer property names */ defined('FETCH_NUM_OBJ') || define('FETCH_NUM_OBJ', 5); /** * @var int FETCH_ALL Fetch all as an associative array */ defined('FETCH_ALL') || define('FETCH_ALL', 6); /** * @var int FETCH_COLUMN_ASSOC Fetch all as an associative array */ defined('FETCH_COLUMN_ASSOC') || define('FETCH_COLUMN_ASSOC', 7); /** * @var int RETURN_NEXT Fetch next or single record. */ defined('RETURN_NEXT') || define('RETURN_NEXT', 0); /** * @var int RETURN_2D_NUM Fetch all as 2d array integers */ defined('RETURN_2D_NUM') || define('RETURN_2D_NUM', 1); /** * @var int RETURN_ID Fetch last inserted id */ defined('RETURN_ID') || define('RETURN_ID', 2); /** * @var int RETURN_INT Fetch count of records */ defined('RETURN_INT') || define('RETURN_INT', 3); /** * @var int RETURN_COUNT Fetch number if affected rows. */ defined('RETURN_COUNT') || define('RETURN_COUNT', 4); /** * @var int RETURN_COLUMN Fetch all result columns */ defined('RETURN_COLUMN') || define('RETURN_COLUMN', 5); /** * @var int RETURN_ALL Fetch all as results */ defined('RETURN_ALL') || define('RETURN_ALL', 6); /** * @var int RETURN_STMT Return prepared statement. */ defined('RETURN_STMT') || define('RETURN_STMT', 7); /** * Set error reporting. */ error_reporting(PRODUCTION ? E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_USER_NOTICE & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED : E_ALL ); ini_set('display_errors', (!PRODUCTION && env('debug.display.errors', false)) ? '1' : '0'); /** * Set default timezone */ date_default_timezone_set(env("app.timezone", 'UTC')); /** * Limits the maximum execution time */ set_time_limit((int) env("script.execution.limit", 30)); /** * Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution */ ignore_user_abort((bool) env('script.ignore.abort', false));