DownloadPHP Env Export

PHP Package to export env keys to new file
You can install the package via composer:
composer require --dev djunehor/php-env-export
Laravel 5.5 and above
The package will automatically register itself, so you can start using it immediately.
Laravel 5.4 and older
In Laravel version 5.4 and older, you have to add the service provider in config/app.php file manually:
'providers' => [
// ...
After installing the package, you will have to register it in bootstrap/app.php file manually: // Register Service Providers
// ...
via helper method
$from = '.env'; //default value is .env
$to = '.env.example'; // default value is .env.example
export_env($from, $to);
Via Laravel Artisan Command
`php artisan env:export` uses default values
Or `php artisan env:export --from=.env --to='.env.example`
Or `php artisan env:export -f=.env -to='.env.example`
Via Console/Terminal
At the root of your application, run `php --run "require 'vendor/djunehor/php-env-export/src/Export.php'; export_env();"`
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Make your changes and run tests `composer test`
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