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File: class.imagedit.php

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File: class.imagedit.php
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Description: Main Class
Class: Imagedit Pro
Image manipulation operations and face detection
Author: By
Last change: New Features: autoCrop, and border() to add a colored Border!
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 29,030 bytes


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<?php /* * Image Library to edit and modify Images * Copyright (C) 2011 Jakob Riedle <[email protected]>. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * @Jakob Riedle <[email protected]> * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 * @access public * @copyright iJake@Palmato * */ require_once("class.facedetect.php"); class imagedit{ /** * Image Resource to be edited * * @var image Resource * @access private * @see loadFile() */ private $image; /** * Image Height * * @access private */ private $height; /** * Image Width * * @access private */ private $width; // Only check for a face once because very slow private $face; /** * Constructor * * @param String $url File to load */ public function __construct( $url = null ) { $this->image = null; // Set The Image (if one was passed) $this->setImage( $url ); // Reset Face data $this->face = null; $this->prefs = Array(); } /** * Set The Image * * @param String $url File to load */ public function setImage( $url ) { // To Be sure unset( $this->image ); $this->image = null; // Now you can pass a GD IMage or Imagedit Class to this function! $image = $this->extractImage( $url ); // Valid Image? if( $image != false ){ // Valid! $this->image = $image; $this->preserveAlpha(); $this->setSize(); } } /** * Check if an Image is loaded * * @return Boolean Is an Image Loaded? */ public function isLoaded() { return ( $this->image != null ); } /** * Makes the image preserve it's Alpha Channel * * @access private */ private function preserveAlpha( $image = null) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( $image != null ){ // Preserve Alpha-Channel imagealphablending($image, true); imagesavealpha($image, true); } else{ // Preserve Alpha-Channel imagealphablending($this->image, true); imagesavealpha($this->image, true); } } /** * Save the Image-dimensions to $height and $width * * @see $height * @see $width * @access private */ private function setSize() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $this->width = imagesx( $this->image ); $this->height = imagesy( $this->image ); } /** * Check if the image that is loaded has a Face on it * * @return Boolean */ public function hasFace() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( $this->face != null) return ( $this->face != false ); $detector = new faceDetect('detection.dat'); if( $detector->face_detect($this->image) ){ echo "hallo"; $this->face = $detector->getFace(); return true; } else{ $this->face = false; return false; } } /** * Rotates the image by a specific angle * * @param Float $angle The Angle the Image is rotated by */ public function rotate( $angle , $crop = false ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $this->image = imagerotate($this->image, $angle, -1); $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); if( $crop ){ $h = $this->height; $w = $this->width; $dimens = $this->rverdrehung( $w , $h , $angle ); $y_crop = ( $h - $dimens['height'] ) / 2; $x_crop = ( $w - $dimens['width'] ) / 2; $this->crop( $x_crop , $y_crop , $dimens['width'] , $dimens['height'] ); } return $this; } /** * Rotation of a Rectangle inside another * * @param Integer $width Width of the original Rect * @param Integer $height Height of the original Rect * @param Integer $angle Angle to rotate the rect * @copyright Jakob Riedle */ /*private function rverdrehung( $width , $height , $angle ){ $angle = deg2rad( $angle%90 ); $n = $height; $m = $width; $n0 = $n - $n / ( tan( $angle ) * ( $n / $m ) + 1 ); $m0 = $n0 * $ratio; $n_new = sqrt( $m0*$m0 + ( $n - $n0 )*( $n - $n0 ) ); return array( "width" => intval( $n_new * ( $m / $n ) ) , "height" => intval( $n_new ) ); }*/ private function rverdrehung( $width , $height , $angle ) { $angle = deg2rad( $angle%90 ); $equi0 = $height / tan($angle + atan( $height / $width )); $r = ( $equi0 * $equi0 + $height * $height ) / ( $width * $width + $height * $height ); return array( "width" => intval( $width * $r ) , "height" => intval( $height * $r ) ); } /** * Convert the Image to grayscale */ public function grayscale() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; imagefilter( $this->image , IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE ); return $this; } /** * Extract Either the Image out of Imagedit-Class or return an Image */ private function extractImage( $image ) { // Imagedit Class if( is_object( $image ) && get_class( $image ) == "imagedit" ) return $image->getImage(); // GD Image elseif( @imagesx($image) > 0 ) return $image; // Filename elseif( is_file($image) ){ //var_dump($image); return @imagecreatefromstring( file_get_contents($image) ); } // URL elseif( preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $image) ){ if( !in_array( 'curl' , get_loaded_extensions() ) ) throw new Exeption( "cUrl Library has to be installed to include cross-domain Images!" ); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, $image ); ob_start(); curl_exec( $curl ); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return @imagecreatefromstring( $data ); } else{ return false; } } /** * Multiply Brightness of two pictures * * @param $image Gray (128,128,128) effects nothing White makes bright, Black makes dark */ public function multiply( $image , $multiplyAlpha = false ) { $image = $this->extractImage( $image ); if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( ! @imagesx( $image ) ) throw new Exception("No valid image!"); imageAlphaBlending( $this->image, false); $noAlpha = !$multiplyAlpha; for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width ; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height ; $y++ ){ $color1 = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($image, imagecolorat( $image , $x , $y ) ); $alpha = ( $color1["alpha"] + $color2["alpha"]/255) * $multiplyAlpha + $color1["alpha"] * $noAlpha; $color1 = imagecolorallocatealpha( $this->image , $color1["red"]*($color2["red"]/255) , $color1["green"]*($color2["green"]/255) , $color1["blue"]*($color2["blue"]/255) , $alpha ); imagesetpixel( $this->image , $x , $y , $color1 ); } } imageAlphaBlending( $this->image, true); return $this; } /** * Mask The Picture width B/W * * @param $image The Mask to be applied ( Black means full opaque, White means full transparent ) */ public function mask( $image ) { $image = $this->extractImage( $image ); if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( ! @imagesx( $image ) ) throw new Exception("No valid image!"); imageAlphaBlending( $this->image, false); for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width ; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height ; $y++ ){ $color1 = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($image, imagecolorat( $image , $x , $y ) ); $alpha = $color1["alpha"] + ( $color2["red"] + $color2["green"] + $color2["blue"]-3 ) / 6; $alpha = intval( $alpha ); if( $alpha > 127 ) $alpha = 127; $color = imagecolorallocatealpha( $this->image , $color1["red"] , $color1["green"] , $color1["blue"] , $alpha ); imagesetpixel( $this->image , $x , $y , $color ); } } imageAlphaBlending( $this->image, true); return $this; } /** * Flip the Image Horizontally */ public function flipH() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; // Create the new Image $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->width , $this->height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width ; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height ; $y++ ){ $color = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); //var_dump(imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y )); imagesetpixel( $new_image , $this->width - $x - 1 , $y , imagecolorallocatealpha( $new_image , $color["red"] , $color["green"] , $color["blue"] , $color["alpha"] ) ); } } unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Flip the Image Vertically */ public function flipV() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; // Create the new Image $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->width , $this->height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width ; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height ; $y++ ){ $color = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); imagesetpixel( $new_image , $x , $this->height - $y - 1, imagecolorallocatealpha( $new_image , $color["red"] , $color["green"] , $color["blue"] , $color["alpha"] ) ); } } unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Negate the Image */ public function negate() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; imagefilter( $this->image , IMG_FILTER_NEGATE ); return $this; } /** * Set the Opacity (linear/proportional) * * @param Integer $opacity Opacity to set (-100(opaque) To 100(transparent)) * @param Boolean $linear True for simply adding the opacity */ public function opacity( $opacity , $linear = false ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $opacity = min( 100 , max( -100 , $opacity ) ); // For Proportional Multiplication if( $linear ){ if( $opacity < 0 ) $opacity = (-$opacity) / ( 100 / 3 ) + 1; elseif( $opacity > 0 ) $opacity = (100 - $opacity) / 132 + 0.25; else $opacity = 1; // Create the new Image $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->width , $this->height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width ; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height ; $y++ ){ $color = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $alpha = max( 0 , min( 127 , 127 - ( 127 - $color["alpha"] ) * $opacity ) ) ; imagesetpixel( $new_image , $x , $y , imagecolorallocatealpha( $new_image , $color["red"] , $color["green"] , $color["blue"] , $alpha ) ); } } } // For Linear Addition else{ if( $opacity < 0 ) $opacity = (-$opacity) / 100 * 127; elseif( $opacity > 0 ) $opacity = ($opacity) / 100 * 127; // Create the new Image $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->width , $this->height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width ; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height ; $y++ ){ $color = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $alpha = max( 0 , min( 127 , $color["alpha"] + $opacity ) ) ; imagesetpixel( $new_image , $x , $y , imagecolorallocatealpha( $new_image , $color["red"] , $color["green"] , $color["blue"] , $alpha ) ); } } } unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Put some Overlay/Image over this Image * * @param Image Resource $image The Image as a Resource or an Imagedit Class * @param Integer $x X-Position to put the Overlay (Optional, defaults 0) * @param Integer $y Y-Position to put the Overlay (Optional, defaults 0) * @param String $align Alignment of the Overlay (Optional, defaults "topleft") */ public function overlay( $image , $x = 0 , $y = 0 , $align = "topleft" ) { $image = $this->extractImage( $image ); if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( ! @imagesx( $image ) ) throw new Exception("No valid image!"); $width = imagesx( $image ); $height = imagesy( $image ); $myWidth = $this->width; $myHeight = $this->height; $x = ( $align == "topleft" || $align == "lefttop" || $align == "bottomleft" || $align == "leftbottom" ) ? $x : $myWidth - $width - $x ; $y = ( $align == "topleft" || $align == "lefttop" || $align == "topright" || $align == "righttop" ) ? $y : $myHeight - $height - $y ; imagecopy( $this->image /* Destination */ , $image /* Source */ , $x /* Dest X */ , $y /* Dest Y */ , 0 /* Source X */ , 0 /* Source Y */ , $width /* Source Width */ , $height /* Source Height */ ); return $this; } /** * Set A Specific Color(-Range) To be Transparent * * @param Array $color The Main Color of Transparency * @param Integer $tolerance Tolerance of Main Color (Optional, defaults 0 ) * @param String $fix Whether the Transparency should be fixed ( See examples ) */ public function setTransparent( $color , $tolerance = 0 , $fix = false ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $tolerance += 1; $r = $color[0]; $g = $color[1]; $b = $color[2]; imageAlphaBlending( $this->image, false); for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width ; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height ; $y++ ){ $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $r2 = $color2["red"]; $g2 = $color2["green"]; $b2 = $color2["blue"]; if( !$fix ){ if( $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) ) imagesetpixel( $this->image , $x , $y , IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT ); } else{ // Color-distance to Alpha $alpha = intval( 127 - sqrt( abs( ($r2 - $r) * ($g2 - $g) * ($b2 - $b) ) ) ); $alpha += $tolerance; imagesetpixel( $this->image , $x , $y , imagecolorallocatealpha( $this->image , $r2 , $g2 , $b2 , min( 127 , max( 0 , $alpha ) ) ) ); } } } imageAlphaBlending( $this->image, true); return $this; } /** * Set the Image Brightness * * @param $brighness Brightness to apply ( -100 To 100 ) */ public function brightness( $brightness ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $brightness = min( 100 , max( -100 , $brightness ) ); $brightness = $brightness/100 * 255; imagefilter( $this->image , IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS , $brightness); return $this; } /** * Set the Image Contrast * * @param $bcontrast Contrast to apply ( -100 To 100 ) */ public function contrast( $contrast ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $contrast = min( 100 , max( -100 , $contrast ) ); imagefilter( $this->image , IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST , $contrast); return $this; } /** * Add some Border * * @param Integer $left Left-Border-Width * @param Integer $top Top-Border-Width * @param Integer $right Right-Border-Width * @param Integer $bottom Bottom-Border-Width * @param Array $color Color of the Border */ public function border( $left , $top , $right , $bottom , $color = Array( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; // Create a new Image $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->width + $left + $right , $this->height + $top + $bottom ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); // Fill the New Image! imagefill( $new_image , 0 , 0 , imagecolorallocatealpha( $new_image , $color[0] , $color[1] , $color[2] , $color[3] ) ); imagecopy( $new_image /* Destination */ , $this->image /* Source */ , $left /* Dest X */ , $top /* Dest Y */ , 0 /* Source X */ , 0 /* Source Y */ , $this->width /* Source/Dest Width */ , $this->height /* Source/Dest Height */ ); unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); } /** * Crop the Image by Position-Dimension-Pair * * @param Integer $x X-Position of Left-Upper Corner * @param Integer $y Y-Position of Left-Upper Corner * @param Integer $width Width of the cropped Image * @param Integer $height Height of the cropped Image */ public function crop( $x , $y , $width , $height ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $width , $height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); imagecopy( $new_image /* Destination */ , $this->image /* Source */ , 0 /* Dest X */ , 0 /* Dest Y */ , $x /* Source X */ , $y /* Source Y */ , $width /* Source/Dest Width */ , $height /* Source/Dest Height */ ); unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Cut Off none-important Border * * @param Integer $tolerance Tolerance * @param Boolean $ignoreAlpha Whether to ignore alpha-channel (optional, defaults to true) */ public function autoCrop( $tolerance = 0 , $ignoreAlpha = true ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $color = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , 0 , 0 ) ); $r = $color["red"]; $g = $color["green"]; $b = $color["blue"]; $a = $color["alpha"]; $minx = -1; $tolerance += 1; for( $x = 0; $x < $this->width; $x++ ){ for( $y = 0 ; $y < $this->height; $y++ ){ $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $r2 = $color2["red"]; $g2 = $color2["green"]; $b2 = $color2["blue"]; $a2 = $color2["alpha"]; if( $ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) ){ } elseif( !$ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $a < ( $a2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) && $a > ( $a2 -$tolerance ) ){ } else{ $minx = $x; break 2; } } } //The image is filled with $color if( $minx == -1 ){ return $this; } for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height; $y++ ){ for( $x = $minx; $x < $this->width; $x++ ){ $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $r2 = $color2["red"]; $g2 = $color2["green"]; $b2 = $color2["blue"]; $a2 = $color2["alpha"]; if( $ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) ){ } elseif( !$ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $a < ( $a2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) && $a > ( $a2 -$tolerance ) ){ } else{ $miny = $y; break 2; } } } $color = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $this->width-1 , $this->height-1 ) ); $r = $color["red"]; $g = $color["green"]; $b = $color["blue"]; $a = $color["alpha"]; for( $x = $this->width - 1 ; $x > $minx; $x-- ){ for( $y = 0; $y < $this->height; $y++ ){ $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $r2 = $color2["red"]; $g2 = $color2["green"]; $b2 = $color2["blue"]; $a2 = $color2["alpha"]; if( $ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) ){ } elseif( !$ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $a < ( $a2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) && $a > ( $a2 -$tolerance ) ){ } else{ $maxx = $x+1; break 2; } } } for( $y = $this->height - 1; $y > $miny; $y-- ){ for( $x = $minx; $x < $maxx; $x++){ $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($this->image, imagecolorat( $this->image , $x , $y ) ); $r2 = $color2["red"]; $g2 = $color2["green"]; $b2 = $color2["blue"]; $a2 = $color2["alpha"]; if( $ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) ){ } elseif( !$ignoreAlpha && $b < ( $b2 + $tolerance ) && $g < ( $g2 + $tolerance ) && $r < ( $r2 + $tolerance ) && $a < ( $a2 + $tolerance ) && $b > ( $b2 - $tolerance ) && $g > ( $g2 - $tolerance ) && $r > ( $r2 - $tolerance ) && $a > ( $a2 -$tolerance ) ){ } else{ $maxy = $y+1; break 2; } } } $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $maxx - $minx , $maxy - $miny ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); imagecopy( $new_image /* Destination */ , $this->image /* Source */ , 0 /* Dest X */ , 0 /* Dest Y */ , $minx /* Source X */ , $miny /* Source Y */ , $maxx-$minx /* Source/Dest Width */ , $maxy-$miny /* Source/Dest Height */ ); unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Crop the Image by Borders * * @param Integer $left Left-Crop * @param Integer $top Top-Crop * @param Integer $right Right-Crop * @param Integer $bottom Bottom-Crop */ public function cropBorder( $left , $top , $right , $bottom ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->width-$left-$right , $this->height-$top-$bottom ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); imagecopy( $new_image /* Destination */ , $this->image /* Source */ , 0 /* Dest X */ , 0 /* Dest Y */ , $left /* Source X */ , $top /* Source Y */ , $this->width-$left-$right /* Source/Dest Width */ , $this->height-$top-$bottom /* Source/Dest Height */ ); unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Crop the Image to a Face * * @param Boolean $preserveRatio Should the Output-Image be same-dimensioned as Input? */ public function cropFace( $preserveRatio = false ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( $this->hasFace() ){ $faceData = $this->face; $Fx = intval($faceData['x']); $Fy = intval($faceData['y']); $FWidth = intval($faceData['w']); $FHeight = intval($faceData['w']); $width = $FWidth; $height = $FHeight; $x = $Fx; $y = $Fy; if( $preserveRatio ) { $ratio = $this->width / $this->height; if( $ratio > 1 ){ // wider than high $width = min( $this->width , $FHeight * $ratio ); $height = $width / $ratio; } elseif( $ratio < 1 ){ // higher than wide $height = min( $this->height , $FWidth * $ratio ); $width = $height * $ratio; } // When Size changes: Adjust X and Y Position to center face $y = $Fy + ( $FHeight - $height ) / 2; $x = $Fx + ( $FWidth - $width ) / 2; if( $x < 0 ) $x = 0; if( $y < 0 ) $y = 0; if( $x + $width > $this->width ) $x = $this->width - $width; if( $y + $height > $this->height ) $y = $this->height - $height; } // Convert them all to Int $width = intval($width); $height = intval($height); $x = intval($x); $y = intval($y); // Create the new Image $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $width , $height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); imagecopy( $new_image /* Destination */ , $this->image /* Source */ , 0 /* Dest X */ , 0 /* Dest Y */ , $x /* Source X */ , $y /* Source Y */ , $width /* Source/Dest Width */ , $height /* Source/Dest Height */ ); unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } else return false; } /** * Return the Image * * @return Image Resource */ public function getImage() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; return $this->image; } /** * Resize the Image by setting it's Height * * @param Integer $height The Height of the Output-Image * @param Boolean $preserveRatio Should the Image Preserve its Ratio? */ public function setHeight( $height , $preserveRatio = false ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( $preserveRatio ) $width = $this->width / $this->height * $height; else $width = $this->width; $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $width , $height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); imagecopyresampled( $new_image /* Destination */ , $this->image /* Source */ , 0 /* Dest X */ , 0 /* Dest Y */ , 0 /* Source X */ , 0 /* Source Y */ , $width /* Dest Width */ , $height /* Dest Height */ , $this->width /* Source Width */ , $this->height /* Source Height */ ); unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Resize the Image by setting it's Width * * @param Integer $width The Width of the Output-Image * @param Boolean $preserveRatio Should the Image Preserve its Ratio? */ public function setWidth( $width , $preserveRatio = false ) { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; if( $preserveRatio ) $height = $this->height / $this->width * $width; else $height = $this->height; $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $width , $height ); imageAlphaBlending( $new_image, false); imagecopyresampled( $new_image /* Destination */ , $this->image /* Source */ , 0 /* Dest X */ , 0 /* Dest Y */ , 0 /* Source X */ , 0 /* Source Y */ , $width /* Dest Width */ , $height /* Dest Height */ , $this->width /* Source Width */ , $this->height /* Source Height */ ); unset($this->image); $this->image = $new_image; $this->setSize(); $this->preserveAlpha(); return $this; } /** * Output the image */ public function getPNG() { if( ! $this->isLoaded() ) return false; ob_start(); imagepng( $this->image ); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $data; } /* ** Output the Image */ public function getJPG() { if( !$this->isLoaded() ) return false; ob_start(); imagejpeg( $this->image ); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $data; } } ?>