/** example of use of printable_labels_pdf_class
* @author Rafael Martin Soto
* @author {@link http://www.inatica.com/ Inatica}
* @blog {@link https://rafamartin10.blogspot.com/ Rafa Martin's blog}
* @since August 2021
* @version 1.0.0
* @license GNU General Public License v3.0
require_once __DIR__ . '/printable_labels_pdf_class.php';
$labels_config = [];
$labels_config['page_format'] = 'A4'; // Page format
$labels_config['page_orientation'] = 'P'; // Orientation 'L'andscape 'P'ortrait
$labels_config['width_label'] = 8.89;
$labels_config['height_label'] = 2.33;
$labels_config['num_cols'] = 2;
$labels_config['num_rows'] = 12;
$labels_config['margin_left_page'] = 1.3;
$labels_config['margin_top_page'] = .2;
$labels_config['margin_left_label'] = .2;
$labels_config['margin_bottom_label'] = .2;
$labels_config['padding_left_label'] = .25;
$labels_config['padding_top_label'] = .25;
$labels_config['skip_first_row'] = true;
$labels_config['skip_last_row'] = true;
$labels_config['default_font'] = 'Times';
$labels_config['default_font_size'] = 9;
$labels_config['begin_at_label_num'] = 4; // Defaults begin with label num. 1
// Create an Instance of printable_labels_pdf()
$printable_labels_pdf = new printable_labels_pdf( $labels_config );
// Set draw borders to true
$printable_labels_pdf->draw_border( true );
// Generate 2.499 Labels
for( $i=1; $i<2500; $i++){
// Make a string of the html label
$label_html = '<b>label '.$i.'</b><br />'; // 1st row. Bold
$label_html .= '<i>Line 2</i><br />'; // 2nd row. Italic
$label_html .= '<u>Line 3</u><br />'; // 3th row. Underline
$label_html .= 'Line 4'; // 4th row. Standard text
// send the html string to a new label
$printable_labels_pdf->write_label( $label_html );
// Generate Pdf file
$printable_labels_pdf->get_labels_pdf(); // Output a PDF file directly to the browser
a) Show directly in the browser (default)
$printable_labels_pdf->get_labels_pdf('test.pdf', 'I'); // Output a PDF file directly to the browser
b) Get a String of the pdf to do something with it later:
$SomeVarPdfString = $printable_labels_pdf->get_labels_pdf('test.pdf', 'S'); // Get pdf in string format and assign to $SomeVarPdfString
c) Download
$printable_labels_pdf->get_labels_pdf('test.pdf', 'D'); // Download pdf
d) Save pdf file in server path
$printable_labels_pdf->get_labels_pdf('/some_dir/test.pdf', 'F'); // Save pdf in some dir of the server