Insert text on the canvas and modify text.
Change text color, weight, align so on.
>Implementing to insert text on the canvas using the text palette
- The user can make the specific text palette and edit some text using this palette.
- Call custom event API, it can insert text object and control the text palette.
* ImageEditor#activateText : It occurs when the canvas is clicked.
* ImageEditor#adjustObject : It occurs when any inserted text object is moved or resized.
imageEditor.on('activateText', function(obj) {
console.log(obj.type); // Whether the current text object is new or aleady created
console.log(obj.text); // Contents of the current text object
console.log(obj.styles); // Styles of the current text object
console.log(obj.originPosition); // Mouse position on the canvas
console.log(obj.clientPosition); // Mouse position on browser - set the text palette's position
imageEditor.on('adjustObject', function(obj) {
console.log(obj.type); // Whether the selected object's type is "text" or others - control the the text palette's view state

Insert the basic icon on the canvas. (type: _arrow_, _cancel_ icon)
Register the custom icon.
Change color of the icon.
>How to draw SVG path
- Link
>How to get SVG path value when registering the custom icon
- Link

Mask Filter
Load the image for using mask filter. (This image is called the "mask image")
When applying mask filter on the canvas image, the canvas image's areas matching the mask image's black areas should be transparent.

Line Drawing
Draw the straight line on the canvas.
Change the color and width value of brush to draw line.

On the canvas
* `ctrl + z` : undo
* `ctrl + y` : redo
* `shift` : making the cropzone of 1:1 ratio
