An elegant PHP HTTP client for sending HTTP requests.
`php 7.1+`
This library can easily be installed using composer. Run the command below: composer require coderatio/curler
Because this is built with simplicity in mind from the beginning, below is how easy you can make a get request to another server.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$curler = new \Coderatio\Curler\Curler();
$response = $curler->getResponse();
$data = [
'title' => 'Sample post',
'body' => 'This is a sample post',
'userId' => 1
$curler = new \Coderatio\Curler\Curler();
$request = $curler->post('', $data);
$response = $curler->getResponse();
Sending form data via curler is as simple sending a post request. Just send an array of your form data and curler will take care of the rest. Take a look below:
$data = [
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]'
$curler = new \Coderatio\Curler\Curler();
$request = $curler->postForm('', $data);
$response = $curler->getResponse();
By default, the $response variable will hold a json object of the request. But, there are instances where you want the response in php object or array. You can get them as below: $response = $curler->getResponse()->asObject();
OR $response = $curler->getResponse()->asArray();
Other Request Methods
Just as you use the post, get, postForm e.t.c, you can also use the put , delete , download , options , head , and trace methods.
Adding Custom Headers
Sometimes, you may need to send your request with custom headers. Curler, has full support for that and many more. Here is how it can be done.
* ### Single Header
$curler = new \Coderatio\Curler\Curler();
$curler->appendRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
$curler->post('', $data);
$response = $curler->getResponse();
$curler = new \Coderatio\Curler\Curler();
$curler->appendRequestHeaders([ 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml',
'x-access-token' => 'xxxxxxxxxx'
$curler->post('', $data);
$response = $curler->getResponse();
## Get Status Code
Sometimes, you may like to get the status code returned from a request. This can easily be done with curler as below:
## Add cURL options
Since this package is built with flexibility in mind, adding cURL options should be a breeze. Here is how you can add options:
$curler->addCurlOption('CURLOPT_PUT', true); // Single
// OR
$curler->addCurlOptions([ 'CURLOPT_PUT' => true,
## Contributors
To be a contributor, kindly fork the repo, add or fix bugs and send a pull request.
## Contribution
To contribute to this project, kindly fork it and send a pull request or find me on <a href="">Twitter</a>.
## License
This project is licenced with the MIT license.