Stegger - Simple But Secure Steganography For PHP
Steganography is the art (and science) of hiding data within an image file. The
reasons should be fairly obvious, you have something you want to hide, and the
best place to hide something is in the last place anyone will look for it, right
under thier nose. Simply put, a secret is not a secret if everyone knows about it.
How to use it
This is a short run through of how to use the class, for anything not covered
here read the source code, it is heavily commented.
1. First things first you should either include the Stegger class in your script
or paste the contents of the Stegger file into your PHP file, its as simple as..
2. Now we need to create the Stegger object so we can use it, you can call the
object whatever you want, for this example I will be calling it $Stegger.
$Stegger = new Stegger();
3. Before we can get to hiding data in an image we need to know where or what it
is, Stegger will take data as a file upload, path or URL to file, plain text
messages or multiple files through a glob style string (/*.txt).
- Path to local file(s) eg:
- URL to remote file
ftp://username: [email protected]/secretfile.txt
ssh2.sftp://username: [email protected]:22/secretfile.txt
- File upload through PHP
- Text messages
Meet me at the place at 12!
For this example we will be hiding a file uploaded through a form, for more
examples please check the optional extras section of this file, please note
that you can just pass the file directly and do not need to assign it to
another variable, I am just doing it for clarity.
$SecretData = $_FILES['secretfile'];
4. Now that we have the data we want to hide we need to get the image, just like
with the secret data you can supply an image in different ways, for this example
we will be using a URL but you can use paths or file uploads as well.
$Image = '';
5. Stegger allows encryption using a build in encryption scheme that uses a public
and private key, the public key can be set in the Stegger source file but you
need to provide the private key at run time.
$Key = 'Wow this is a very very very long key that I am typing';
6. Ok its time to let Stegger work its magic, there is only one method to call.
$Stegger->Put($SecretData, $Image, $Key);
The image will automatically be output to the users browser to be downloaded.
If your script is used from the command line or you just want to save the
encoded image somewhere on the server you can supply a path to save the image
to, if you use the script from the command line you must provide the output
$Stegger->Put($SecretData, $Image, $Key, '/some/local/path/image.png');
The key and output path parameters are optional, at the very least you just
have to provide an image and something to hide.
7. To get our secret data back out of the image we use a method that works
much like the Put() method except it does not need the secret data parameter.
$Stegger->Get($Image, $Key);
If you have multiple files or if you are using a script from the command line
you need to specify an output path.
$Stegger->Get($Image, $Key, '/save/files/to/this/path/');
Optional extras
As you may have noticed above, Stegger is pretty flexible in the way it takes
certain parameters, you can provide PHP file upload variables, paths and URLs
but there is one more trick up Stegger's sleeve, you can supply more than
one file upload, URL, message or path by passing them as an array, for
a better understanding look at the small example below.
// Instantiate the Stegger object
$Stegger = new Stegger();
// We want to hide all the .txt files in this directory and a php file from another
$SecretData[] = '/some/path/to/files/*.txt';
$SecretData[] = '/some/path/to/files/file.php';
// Download two files from the internet and hide them
$SecretData[] = '';
$SecretData[] = '';
// We will also be hiding a file that was uploaded through a form
$SecretData[] = $_FILES['secretfile'];
// And we will encode a little message to the person who will decode this
$SecretData[] = "Heya,\n You can find the stuff in the thing\nThanks";
// And that is all there is to it
$Stegger->Put($SecretData, '');
How it works
Steganography isn't as hard as it sounds, there are many methods one can use to
hide data within an image, none of them are right or wrong but some have more
limitations than others. Before I can get into how it's done in this class I
feel it is important to discuss the other methods.
By far the easiest way to hide data within an image is to store it in the comment
field of the image file, this is not an ideal method at all. Even if you could get
past the fact that the data will be trivial to find you will probably find that
the 255 bytes of space (on average) is not enough to store anything worthwhile.
This method also requires special knowledge of the specific image type of the
image you wish to hide the data inside.
Another method that is frequently employed for steganography is to utilise the
unused space allocated for colour information (a 32 bit colour often only uses
24 bits of space). A variation of this method is to use the space allocated for
transparency (the alpha channel, which yields 7 bits of data per pixel) but
that depends on the image type and if it uses alpha blending or a real alpha
channel. Although data hidden with these methods is harder to find it can still
be detected by the trained eye or some specialist tools, once someone finds
that the unused space has been used they know there is secret data, which means
even if your data is protected with encryption, we have failed since all this
steganography stuff is about being evasive and keeping the data hidden.
The method employed by the Stegger class is different to the above methods in
that it does not store data in any empty space within the image. If that does
not make much sense to you yet, don't worry, read on.
The best way to learn about something is to understand the fundementals of its
seperate parts, in steganography there are two parts we need to learn about,
the image (in which we will be hiding data) and the data (which we will be
hiding inside the image). At the most basic level, all images are made up of
pixels (also known by thier not so cool name, picture elements), each pixel
is basically a tiny little block that displays a colour and all colours are
made up from a combination of the three primary colours, red, green and blue.
Each pixel holds information about these three primary colours to work out
what colour it should be, each primary colour in a (32 bit or 24 bit) pixel
takes up 1 byte of data which means each primary colour is represented by
a number between 0 (no colour) and 255 (full colour). So the colour white
on your computer screen is not a lack of all colour, rather, it is all the
primary colours turned on full blast (red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255).
Stegger takes advantage of these image basics to hide data by altering the
value of each primary colour in each pixel to either reflect a 1 or a 0,
because as you should know, all digital data is just a sequence of 1's and
0's, binary. There are a number of ways to alter a number to represent a
1 or a 0, the method that Stegger (and some other tools) uses is to alter
the number to be either odd or even, this allows us to store 1 bit of data
in every primary colour which means we store 3 bits of data symbolically
within each pixel.
Now 3 bits per pixel might not sound like enough to hide data but if you
consider that an 800 x 600 pixel image has 480 000 pixels and that we can
spread the data through-out some or all of those pixels, we have a viable
way of storing data in an image (that 800 x 600 pixel image would allow
us to store about 175KB of data with compression that could mean over a
Megabyte of text data).
The advantage of this method is that the data is stored symbolically which
means an attacker has no way of knowing for sure if each pixel is representing
some data or if that is infact the way the image was made.
There are limitations to this method however, namely, the image needs to
be saved in a lossless format or the data we have symbolically stored inside
the image will be lost or mangled. This does not mean this method cannot be
used for formats like JPEG and GIF, but to work with those formats rather
than assigning an odd or even number per primary colour in a pixel you would
need to look for the closest odd or even number in the colour index of the
image and you would need to make sure there were not too many similar colours
in the colour index or they will be lost when the image is saved, it is for
this reason that Stegger saves all encoded images as a PNG, which is lossless.
Please look at the images in the docs/images/ directory for a graphical summary
of what was said above.
How is this useful
Steganography has a stigma attached to it, its cool but ultimately useless,
that may be the case if you have nothing to be evasive about or no one to
evade (which means you're either a saint or naive, possibly both) but for
everyone else steganography can be not only a cool tool, but a useful one too.
Sometimes encryption is not enough, sometimes we want to hide the fact that we
even have data to encrypt. Imagine for a minute that you have reason to believe
your connection is being sniffed, perhaps its part of your work/univeristy/isp's
security policy, if you were to just merely encrypt the data and it was to be
intercepted between point A and point B, sure your data would be relatively
safe (assuming the person who intercepted it isn't the type to link up a few
boxes and try crack the data for 8 months) but you would have let the attacker
know something very valuable, that you have something to hide and whilst they
may not be able to get the decrypted data, they will have an incentive to keep
digging and watch you. If we were to use the same analogy but this time instead
of sending an encrypted file you send a joke image to a friend that has your
secret data encrypted and encoded inside, the email with the image attached
would be sniffed but the attacker would simply laugh it off as one of those
silly joke emails that everyone hates and spend his time looking for more
obvious targets.
The most exciting thing about steganography is the fact that web is littered
with images, you could take an encoded image and send it to one of the large
free image hosting sites like flickr and imageshack, or make a page on myspace
about a fictional person and encode secret data into a misc image on the page
and no one would be the wiser, it could be the most public of places, a million
people could look at the image everyday and nobody would even look twice.
It has been said that security through obscurity is no security at all, whilst
I think we can all fundementally agree with that point, it needs to be said that
obscurity does help. Evasion can be a key factor in keeping anything secure, it
is hard for an attacker to blow something up if they can't find it and even
harder if they don't know for sure that it exists.
How many digital images would you say you have seen in your life time? How many
times when looking at or glancing over a digital image did you wonder what sort of
secret data was encoded inside it? If you are a normal person (which you might
not be if you google for steganography applications) you have never wondered
about secret data encoded in any images, even if you thought about steganography
regularly, there are just too many images on the internet to know which ones
to examine closer.
That being said, evasion is not enough, and this is why every little piece of
data encoded into an image with Stegger is encrypted with a custom (and that
means obscure) two way encryption algorithm called Secrypt.
Although I can't guarantee anything (as the GNU license states), I would be
extremely suprised if an untrusted party was able to discover your secret data
inside your image file. I would be even more suprised if that untrusted party
was able to crack the encryption (assuming you used a strong key). If the data
was discovered by an attacker I would think that the weak link in the security
chain was a person and not the steganography method or encyrption scheme used.
Unfortunately we aren't all bound by the same laws as we are not governed by the
same people with the same ideals (which is probably a good thing). The country
in which this application was written and the country in which the author resides
have no laws against its citizens possessing knowledge of, or developing tools for,
encryption, steganography and other fields of computer science that aid in evasion
and/or security. If you are living in a country or state where the use of an
application like this is considered illegal (some states in the US might) then
no matter how just you may think your reasoning is in believing the laws are
prehistoric and ignorant, I emplore you, DO NOT break the law. The author
cannot and will not take any responsibility for your actions.
Some people seem to consistantly confuse certain technlogies with illicit activities,
and like those technologies, this application can be used for good or bad,
its use is a reflection apon the user rather than the author, so if you and your
drug cartel buddies get caught posting images with secret infromation inside on
flickr, do not drag me into court, it is all on you, and if you happen to save
the world or something using this application (ok now I'm really stretching it)
I can't take responsibility for that either. They are your actions and your
About The Author
My name is Warren Smith and if you have anything more worthwhile or interesting
for me to be doing other than making stuff like this, I am available.
If you have any bug reports, improvements or cool ideas about this application
feel free to drop me an email.
I can be contacted at smythinc (at) gmail (dot) com
PHP >= 4.3.0 with the Zlib extension