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PHP Classes 2018 Renewal Site Improvements and Feedback

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Updated on: 2025-02-22

Viewers: 1,123

Last month viewers: 1

Categories: New site features, Web site design, PHP community, PHP opinions

The PHP Classes site has been through many changes in the last year. My personal life has also changed. My time is scarce. I need all PHP Classes site users help to keep it alive and working well.

Read the article below to learn what you can do help, like giving feedback about the current plans or suggestions to improve the current features.

Loaded Article

A New Project to Teach How to Create Businesses is Keeping Me Very Busy

The PHP Classes site was create in 1999 but only in 2001 decided to turn it into my full time job. Fortunately it worked well and I am still running it as my main business.

However, in 2015 I decided to go further and expand its reach to developers that not only want to write software all the time, but also want to make more money then they do working as employees or consultants.

I am well aware that what I did is what many developers want:

  1. Have my own company and work only for myself

  2. Work from home or anywhere I want

  3. Work at any time I want

  4. Have plenty of time for my family and friends

  5. Achieve self-realization doing what I love most, which is producing software

  6. As a consequence of that, earn enough money to keep me working as a developer full time

Now I would like to go further and teach anybody that is interested, what I learned for all these years to make it happen.

I did a lot of things right, as well other things that did not work as I hoped. I hope you can learn what I learned, except that you do not have to wait 18 years to learn about creating businesses that work.

Therefore now I am launching a course that includes the presentation of methods to train any person willing to learn how to create businesses, from scratch if necessary, so you do not go through all the difficulties that I had, and still launch your business in the least amount of time that is possible.

The course will be launched soon in English. The first module of the Portuguese version available here if you want to learn more about creating businesses. There will be 6 modules that will be published soon both in Portuguese and English.

For now you can click on the video image below to watch a short video (only 3 minutes) to learn what you need to do to learn more about this course. There will be a free online workshop about creating businesses, so you can learn more about the course.

Just sign up on the video page by clicking on the link of the Practical Value Announcement, so you can be notified when the workshop begins.

The PHP Brotherhood: The PHP Classes Site is For Everybody

One thing that would like to be clear is that everything that is done on the PHP Classes site is for everybody without distinction of country of origin, race, religion, sex, sports team of choice, etc..

The only focus is that it is about the PHP language and is to promote the PHP Object Oriented Programming components shared by the contributors.

There are PHP developers in all countries. Some developers are not very experienced, others are geniuses. In the PHP Classes site all PHP developers are welcome no matter if you are a genius or you are not very experienced.

If you feel package is not of a good quality, tell the author about it. That way you are helping him to improve. Campaigning against a less experienced author or against the PHP Classes site in general will not help the PHP community as a whole.

So please be kind with others just like you would like others to be kind with you. If for some reason you contacted me or the PHP Classes site and I was not kind, I wish to apologize because certainly it was not my intention.

My suggestion is to lets try to be friendly with each other even when you do not agree with others programming styles or code quality. Lets act like a brotherhood, the PHP Brotherhood, OK?

PHP Classes Planned New Features and Improvements

The PHP Classes site is not perfect. It needs a lot of improvements, but you can help.

The last year was not so great for me in my personal life, but on the upside I would like to share that I have a new wife, Glaucia Felisbino, who happens to also be helping me as a partner on this new business creation teaching initiative.

Glaucia will me more focused on the women interested to become entrepreneurs because we feel that women understand better each other.

Now for the PHP Classes site, it needs work to fix things that are not as good as they should be or are missing. Lets take a look at the planned improvements.

Faster Moderation

Since I have been very busy, lots of work on the site was delayed. This affected in particular the approval of new packages. At the time of this writing there are like 80 packages waiting on the queue.

The solution for this problem is to recruit more users that want to become moderators, so all packages can be approved faster. If you are interested, use the link at the bottom of the site pages to send a message to the site to let us know about your interest to become a moderator.

Pending Innovation Award Prizes

Another concerning aspect that is being seriously delayed is the delivery of the PHP Innovation Award prizes. Many Innovation Award Winners are entitled to prizes but I have not been able to catch-up.

If you were entitled to a prize, and you were not contacted by the site or you did not receive the prize, again use the link at the bottom of the site pages to send a message to the site to let us know about your missing prizes.

More PHP Jobs Especially to Work Remotely

Lots developers are looking for jobs. Many are looking for jobs specifically to be able to work remotely.

I have started with the colaboration with another developer that is helping me in the prospection and moderation of new jobs. This is working well, but I need to expand it. Please be patient.

I am working to provide a better solution about which I cannot comment now, but be prepared for something much better.

Better Newsletter Subscription and Unsubscription

The newsletter system has been misunderstood for many years. It is my fault that sometimes the user interface messages are not clear or the subscribe and unsubscribe steps are not implemented correctly.

Thankfully there are a few native English collaborators that are helping me on this reviewing the texts and suggesting fixes to the subscription steps.

If you also would like to send your suggestions, use the link at the bottom of the site pages to send a message to the site to let us know what you think.

The JS Classes Too

The JS Classes site is the brother site of PHP Classes but dedicated to JavaScript. Unfortunately due to the lack of time, everything is delayed there too.

With enough time and patience, it will also benefit from all the improvements the PHP Classes site will have. Hang on.

Publish Your Product Sponsored Tutorial Posts

One thing that the PHP Classes site needs is more sources of revenue, so I can invest more in paying to collaborators that can help to make the site better.

If you have a company or you know companies that are interested to promote their products to a world wide audience of 1,5 million developers, which are the users that registered in the site since it started in 1999, tell them to send a message to the site to let us know what the interest to promote the company products.

Help the PHP Classes Site in Other Ways

Finally, I would like to thank many people that helped the site in many ways since it begun.

In particular I would like to thank my old friend Greg Saylor for his interest to help me hosting and managing the site servers.

I also would like to thank in particular to Till Wehowski for his interest to help in the moderation of the site.

I would like to thank so many others that it would take me ages until I end the whole list but rest assured that I did not forget anybody.

To end I would like to ask you that may have other ideas to help improving the site to not hold yourself and send a message to the site to let us know about any ideas you may have. You are also free to post any comments below.

Thank you again for all the help and lets make this community one hub of the big PHP Brotherhood. ;-)

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1. This is my word to your team - ramon espinel (2018-04-11 04:51)
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2. Best wishes - Francisco del Aguila (2018-03-31 14:34)
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