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Detection and prevention of security attacks

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229. The Security of Future PHP Versions - Lately in PHP podcast episode 45

Updated on: 2014-03-12

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As the plans for the upcoming PHP 5.6 and PHP 6 versions are being finalized, some of the proposals are about improving the security of these future PHP versions.

That has been one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and César Rodas on the episode 45 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

They also have talked about several other types of proposals and ideas for PHP 6, as well a tutorial on How to Use a Webcam to take Pictures in PHP Application.

Now listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video or read the transcript text to learn more about these interesting PHP topics that were discussed.

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220. What Happened in the Security Attack to - Lately in PHP podcast episode 41

Updated on: 2013-11-18

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As you may be aware, the site was the target of security attack that made it spread malware for a while. The circumstances of this attack were the main topic of discussion between Manuel Lemos, Jim Malico of OWASP and Chris Cornutt of

They also commented on the latest efforts to make PHP more secure, as well what PHP developers can do to develop more secure Web sites and applications, and minimizing the damages of eventual security attacks.

This podcast is totally dedicated to PHP security matters and is strongly recommended in particular for security conscientious PHP developers.

Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video or read the transcript to learn more about the details of the security discussions they had.

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218. More New Features for PHP 5.6 - Lately in PHP podcast episode 40

Updated on: 2013-10-15

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The proposals of new features for PHP 5.6 continue to come. Several new interesting features are being discussed like named parameters, anonymous classes, nested classes, among other proposals.

This was the main topic discussed by Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert in episode 40 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

Now listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript to learn what are all the new proposed features and what they think about them.

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206. Using Grep to Find Security Vulnerabilities in PHP code

Updated on: 2015-01-18

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Finding all security vulnerabilities in a piece of code may be hard as it requires in depth analysis of what the code does. However, simple security vulnerabilities follow certain code style patterns that are easier to find with simple search tools.

Read this article to learn how you can find certain types of security vulnerabilities very quickly using the grep program.

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182. Making the Web Faster with HTTP 2 Protocol

Updated on: 2012-05-03

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The HTTP protocol version 2.0 is in the process of being defined. There was a call for proposals and several researchers submitted specifications and ideas that can make the Web faster and better in several other aspects.

Read this article to learn about the details of these proposals and what Web developers can expect to prepare to take advantage of the planned improvements of the HTTP 2.0 protocol.

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177. Is PHP Source Quality really Good or is it still Insecure? - Lately in PHP podcast episode 21

Updated on: 2012-03-16

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A study from Coverity claims that the source code of Open Source projects such as PHP has a low defect rate.

Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, the security expert Stefan Esser claims that PHP source security bug prevention has a lot to be desired because PHP core developers do not have the habit of using source code auditing tools to prevent security bugs.

The matter of the PHP source code quality and security bug prevention was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert in episode 21 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

Among other interesting topics, they also discuss the new features of Apache 2.4 and whether it is already possible for PHP sites to take advantage of this new Apache release.

Listen to the podcast now or read the transcript to learn about these and other interesting PHP related topics.

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175. Another Serious Security Bug on PHP 5.3.9

Updated on: 2012-02-03

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PHP 5.3.9 release was mostly meant to fix a security bug, but it introduced a new more serious bug. PHP 5.3.10 was just released to fix this issue.

Meanwhile Debian Linux maintainers decided to stop enabling the Suhosin extension by default. This extension is used by several Linux distributions to provide protection against present and future security bugs of PHP.

Read this article to learn more about the just fixed bug what you should do to avoid these security issues. You can also learn more what is the current PHP security status and the importance of the Suhosin extension to prevent PHP security problems.

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171. PHP Vulnerability May Halt Millions of Servers

Updated on: 2012-01-12

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A security vulnerability found in PHP and many other programming languages may allow attackers to halt servers with vulnerable PHP installations.

Read this article to learn more about this vulnerability and what you can do to avoid that your servers running PHP may be brought down due to this problem.

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127. Single Sign-On authentication using OpenID and other security measures

Updated on: 2010-08-13

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The authentication of the PHPClasses site users will be changed to work in a separate site. It will use the OpenID protocol, so you do not have to create a new account to access other sites.

This article explains better what this means in practice and how it will affect the site users.

Several new measures were implemented to provide better security to protect user accounts and prevent eventual security exploits. Advice is provided to PHP developers in order to apply similar measures to take better care of the security of their sites.

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98. HTML 5 for a better Web

Updated on: 2010-02-25

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The HTML 5 will definitely contribute to a better Web. Despite its specification is still being drafted, several browsers like Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 8, Safari 4, Chrome 2 and Opera 10 already implement a significant part of the current HTML 5 specification.

This article reviews a bit of the history of how we got to HTML 5 and presents an overview of the enhancements that HTML 5 introduces to provide a better Web.

It also presents a reflection about whether HTML 5 will render useless browser extensions like Flash, Silverlight and Java.

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