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Subject:HTML to PDF
Summary:wkhtmltopdf is better
Author:Eion Robb
Date:2016-04-19 06:57:12

  1. HTML to PDF   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Eion Robb Eion Robb - 2016-04-19 06:57:12
Relying on a 3rd party for this kind of thing is never ideal. I would recommend using wkhtmltopdf instead, as it's open source and gives you back the control over your own content

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Picture of Dave Smith Dave Smith - 2016-04-19 10:22:17 - In reply to message 1 from Eion Robb
Not everyone have enough rights to implement wkhtmltopdf or the skill to automate it from the command line, so 3rd party API's are ideal for this as long as they are kept up to date.

Additionally, the pdfLayer API provides more functionality than wkhtmltopdf with support for encryption, owners, meta data, etc...
