 Daniele Cruciani - 2013-05-20 13:42:19
Not very good for productivity.
The internal coherence of default PHP function bundle is at least weak. The order of parameters have little logic, if no logic at all considered as a whole.
This is mitigated by IDE and SPL is coming to fix this.
Mostly I am a PHP coder, but I use other languages too, living with this incoherency hurt me everytime I return to code PHP.
This is why php could have low productivity (considering the red hat thinking too: hate to do not have any logic in a pl).
However I am atheist, but I would never shot you if you pray, I would accept to pray with you if you can't resist on killing me for not praying your God (or Gods, if this does not hurt you), just because life is better than religion, if this does not hurt you, otherwise I'll say: Religion is better than life and you are free to die for your Religion.
(last paragraph is an english writing exercize, and if something sounds offensive is just because of my english)
 Manuel Lemos - 2013-05-20 14:43:47 - In reply to message 1 from Daniele Cruciani
We all know that PHP is not perfect. No language is perfect. That was not the point.
The point is that PHP presence on the Web is overwhelming. If other languages are so much better than PHP, why PHP is so much more popular (3 times to 1) than other languages?
The way I see it, other languages worse in other aspects. The article tries to explain it.
 Daniele Cruciani - 2013-05-20 21:42:11 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Well, I just replyed to "have to be beautiful" part, but, I think that php is so popular because you have a simple, one shot way to install it and make it work, even if it is not the prefered way it shoul run on a shared host.
It is, was at least, painful to make a good (secure) php configuration on a server, and this is another reason of many detractors.
But also PHP just works, say <?php echo "hello $name"; ?> and mix in a page, just test snippets quickly, but this is the same with nodejs, maybe.
Anyway code HAS to be beautiful, I just work because I like my work, who ever like ugly things? It is not a war, I am sorry, not loving the beauty is a crime against humanity.
 Frederik Yssing - 2013-05-20 21:43:43 - In reply to message 1 from Daniele Cruciani
php is developed by many people and many people also add new classes and features to php, so some inconsistency is only natural.
But this is also, what I find to be, the very strenght of php, that so many people are involved, so there are so many to ask and to contribute.
 Manuel Lemos - 2013-05-20 22:13:49 - In reply to message 3 from Daniele Cruciani
I agree with you. I also think my code has to be beautiful according to my criteria of beauty.
What is meant in the article is that Wordpress is hugely successful and it is an example of code that is not beauty according to my criteria. Basically this means that success is not about code beauty.
 Frederik Yssing - 2013-05-21 03:13:15 - In reply to message 5 from Manuel Lemos
I havent talked to a single developer who loves wordpress, the ones I have talked to tend to use other systems. But the designers I have talked to love wordpress.
But they don't have to deal with the code :)
 Manuel Lemos - 2013-05-21 03:37:03 - In reply to message 6 from Frederik Yssing
Right, I can understand that. I do not even use Wordpress but I can understand why it is so popular. It is certainly not just among Web designers. Many PHP programmers make a living out of doing Wordpress projects only. Wordpress events are always crowded.