Manuel Lemos - 2010-04-02 00:24:54 -
In reply to message 3 from Vedran Sego
The site design never relied on ads to appear correctly, as the site look equally well with or without ads. It just seems that AdBlock relies on the presence of certain page elements to filter ads. So it is AdBlock that it is broken.
As for the presence of ads, I suppose you do not work for free. Therefore it is not reasoanable that you expect that the people that dedicate their time and effort to keep the site alive also work for free.
The problems with ad blocking programs is not the site fault. Despite the design changes were not created intentionally to break such programs, it is not reasonable to expect that the site also makes an effort to avoid breaking ad blocking programs.
If you care about this site, just be sensible and do not use ad blocking programs. It will be better for everybody.